Today’s Horoscopes Saturday 6th June 2015

The Moon in Aquarius goes opposite the newly arrived Venus in Leo. Now this opposition in some zodiac signs can make us a little more indulgent. Here I think there could be one person who demands attention in your situation or social circle. If they are deserving of it, you may be happy to oblige them with your admiration. If not, it could cause resentment if there is a lack of give and take.

And yet generally, this week does end brightly, with lots of opportunities for enjoyable pursuits. In fact, if you are in the mood for company, this can be one of the most upbeat weekends of the whole year so far. For your FREE Daily Horoscope for Saturday 6th June 2015 please read below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Venus set to sizzle in Leo, someone's kindness and affection may leave you feeling upbeat. Even so, her link to Saturn suggests you'll have ambitions to study and expand your horizons too, even if it means more hard work. Mind this is a fine time to invest in your personal image, or buy new glamorous clothes.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A little compromise and understanding can help you deal with someone whose opinions may be quite different from your own, particularly where key values are concerned. Today's alignment hints that you could forge an alliance based on practical issues, even if you can't totally agree with the person offering support.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It's a positive day to advance at work, make new friends and communicate in a meaningful way. And, even though Mercury's retro phase hints that mistakes are possible, any delays occurring could bring unexpected benefits. In addition, when it comes to brainstorming and liaising with key people, good things can happen. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Investing in wellness options can bring positive benefits further down the line. If an item of news or information encourages you to take action, then it may be well worth the time and extra expense involved. Also, the Moon in Aquarius spotlights financial matters, enticing you to make sure you get your money's worth.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Will a Venus connection push you to make a commitment to a plan – or perhaps a romance? Today's blend of energies holds a steady note that may set you thinking about the future and what you might achieve with a little extra focus. You are certainly set to dazzle people with your unique charisma from now on.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

There are opportunities to build for the future in a progressive way, although it might help to step back and take stock too. This could be one such day when you'll benefit from giving one of your more brilliant ideas an airing. If it helps you showcase your abilities and puts you in the spotlight, then so much the better!

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Close friends and significant others lend encouragement to you as an upbeat plan of yours gets a shot of adrenaline. Even so, it may be a choice between having fun and moving forward with an idea whose time has come. Later on, your mind can turn to a friend. Is there something more between you than you had realised?

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Friends and family members may be full of optimism and big ideas. Don't be too quick to burst their bubble though, as you'd be better to listen to what they have to say and go with the flow. Keeping an open mind may be one way to maintain feelings of harmony. Even so, you could find yourself in the limelight later.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Fun, pleasure and self-indulgence may be on the agenda today, as it's a good time to get out and be active. The Moon in airy Aquarius also suggests you push a work or other worry to the back of your mind for now, and relax. With Venus now moved into Leo, the world's your oyster as far as new experiences are concerned.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Mercury continues to encourage you to go ahead and put the finishing touches on projects you've already started. However, it's best to apply the brakes to those that are waiting to be launched. Even so, try to clear up any confusion or misunderstanding first of all. Also, if you can have fun, but keep to your budget, do.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

The Moon in your sign puts you in charge and infuses you with optimism. As a result, you'll be ready to tackle challenges or any complex issues. It's also a chance to commit, as you'll have the perseverance to see things through to the end. If there has been a recent misunderstanding, this is a good time to resolve it.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Remind yourself that charity begins at home, as although you enjoy being helpful it's not wise to take on the world's woes. Meanwhile, with Venus and Jupiter in your work zone concentrate on sharing the best of yourself and your abilities. In fact, whatever you're up to, it's wise to leave personal issues out of the picture.