The Virgo Moon and its positive tie to lovely Venus in Cancer suggests we may easily pick up on other people's feelings.
We may also feel in the mood for some pampering and this could leave us much restored. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 6th July 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 6th July 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The focus on home affairs can see you busy with preparations for entertaining or having guests. But with the Moon in your sector of wellbeing making some lively and upbeat aspects, it is also possible that you'll want to reorganize your routine to enable positive shifts. You may be in the mood for a new beginning, and if you persist, then much can begin to change for the better.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Sociable energies in your chart suggest the desire to enjoy good company. And with lovely Venus making an electric angle to Uranus, it would be no surprise if an unexpected encounter or invite had an uplifting effect Taurus. If you have a bold plan or project to complete, then connecting with like-minded others for advice, might enable you to achieve some sparkling results.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
An intuitive hunch to connect with someone who you've admired from afar could show up Gemini. And if you do go through with it, you may find you have a lot in common, not just on the surface, but also in terms of life experiences and shared ideals. However, if you would like this association to become a long-term friendship, then nurturing it can certainly make it stronger.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Lunar ties can bring an opportunity to get involved in a project that puts you in touch with like-minded people. The presence of energizing Uranus in your social zone, could see you drawn to those who have an alternative perspective on life. Over coming days, one such encounter could inspire you to try out new experiences, and from here, something positive can click into place.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may have responsibilities to attend to, but with Mercury and upbeat Mars merging in your sign, it's also important to take some time out to enjoy life. Indeed, other lively aspects can encourage you to call friends or perhaps organize a pleasant get-together. It may be just as well to relax now Leo, as over coming weeks you might be in the mood to shake things up a little.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Aspects of your life may seem a little complicated. But are they Virgo? With a stirring focus on your psychological sector, you could become aware of deep-seated feelings that you may have missed previously or been unaware of. Furthermore, this might lead to you wanting to embrace them. Equally, letting them go and freeing up energy can also be a wise move.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A pause for thought might allow you to see your situation in perspective, and to consider your next moves. The chance for reflection could be important if you're ready to launch an idea that could play a big part in your future. But with potent influences on the cards, flexibility can also be an asset, as the coming weeks could bring changes that will need to be accommodated.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As bubbly Venus in your relationship zone, makes an upbeat link to the electrifying energy of Uranus, the coming days can coincide with some lively encounters that you may want to follow up. And an air of exuberance and a can-do approach might boost your confidence too. If you are willing to take a leap of faith Scorpio, then much could be accomplished that is very positive.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While you might enjoy working with gadgets, the current focus hints that you may also be looking for ways to improve both money and time management. You could be introduced to apps or technologies that can make light work of such issues, and that could revolutionize your productivity. There are also opportunities to enjoy a trip that might act as a restorative Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you have kept quiet about certain feelings, then you may feel it is time to speak up, and this can be a turning point for you. A heart-to-heart discussion could start the ball rolling. But once you make the decision to follow through on your discussion, then the pace can speed up. As a result, it would be no surprise if an awkward situation begins to show some improvement.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A conversation held over coming days could alter an aspect of your life. Such may be its intensity that you could feel moved to action or to make a decision that may change many things. Don't feel guilty if this has been on your mind for some while and you have so far done nothing. There is a time for everything, and your horoscope reveals conditions can be right just now for you to move forward.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
You may wonder how you might accomplish something that is important, but that will likely demand a lot of time and energy. A focus on your lifestyle sector suggests you could make great strides if you can break your project down into small chunks, and work at it a little every day. If you do, you might find you have surpassed your expectations after only a few weeks Pisces.