Today's lunar tie with electric Uranus brings a sparkly energy to the day that can leave us a tad restless.
Even so, this can be a time of unexpected surprises that might add a note of excitement to events. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 6th April 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 6th April 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
If you feel like a new experience, this is certainly the weekend to go for it, as a lively and spontaneous blend of energies could see you opting for fresh and exciting pursuits. A thought can lead you to just do it. So if you have an urge to take off on a trip or arrange an outing, then it could all come together quickly, and out of this new and fascinating discoveries can be made.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A certain matter might need your attention, or at least it could feel this way. This issue may have caused a great deal of confusion for some weeks, and if you haven't yet done anything about it, then you could feel moved to do so over coming days. As lively Mercury aligns with cautious Saturn, it is time to take a stand, as this more practical bias can make it easier to resolve this.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
This can be a fast-paced weekend when an invite leads to exciting social opportunities. And even if you have made a decision to attend to key tasks, you may choose more relaxing options instead. However, with interactive Mercury your personal planet, in sync with sobering Saturn, a formal event could help you realize a personal or career goal, if you feel like attending Gemini.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With expressive Mercury making a lingering tie with the mesmeric Neptune in your zone of wider horizons, getting organized regards a trip or other plans, may have proved difficult over past weeks. Currently though, the planet of talk and thought makes a practical angle with taskmaster Saturn, which can put everything in perspective and enable you to make a start at last Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
There may be a lot of excitement in the air this weekend Leo, as the Moon makes some sizzling ties. This could see you breaking with your usual routines and opting for something that could take you out of your comfort zone. And anything that has a hint of adventure could tempt you. With a practical tie guiding your decisions though, you'll likely prefer to have fun and stay safe.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may have an outing or trip planned, but lunar ties suggest that it might be exciting to add in more spontaneous elements. Trying something new can make the day a little more special, and you never know what ideas and opportunities may show up as a result of doing so. In addition, you may be very touched by an offer of help to complete a project that is dear to your heart.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As dynamic Mars continues its journey through your zone of far horizons, you may have a desire to explore places, ideas or opportunities that could make a positive difference to your life. And with Mars also being your relationship planet, moving out of your comfort zone can see you making interesting friends or perhaps finding romance with a like-minded individual Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Moon's tie with energizing Uranus in your sector of relating, can encourage an impromptu yet heartfelt gesture that could make a loved one feel truly appreciated. It could also happen the other way around, and you might receive an unexpected gift or invite. While this is a temporary transit, your horoscope suggests it can add a sparkling note to the day and might bring a novel encounter your way too.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
A chance meeting could spark some lively chemistry between you and another. And a scintillating blend of energies can encourage you to support an existing friend or partner with a wellness drive, adding even more energy to your bond. Whether this is an ongoing involvement or a new romance, a further commitment may evolve if you find this connection to be productive Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If it seems that someone has misunderstood your intentions, things can begin to straighten out as thoughtful Mercury aligns with Saturn. Matters may return to normal fairly quickly if you take time to explain it all again, even if you have already done so many times Capricorn. Over coming days, confusion could give way to clarity and a chance for some progress to be made.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you have been thinking of moving in a new direction, then the present dynamic blend of energies might see you reconsidering this idea. It could involve another person who may want to take on a challenge with you, whether they are a partner, friend or perhaps a business associate. These can be interesting times, as a special opportunity could call out to you to take a bold step.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A burst of optimism could inspire you to explore the potential in an idea that might help to net you a bigger income. However, as expansive Jupiter slows prior to turning retrograde next week, you may need to work harder to get the results you desire. This can be a good thing though, as the more effort you put in, the better your results. Out of this, fresh options may show up for you.