Horoscopes Saturday 3rd September 2016

As Mercury Retro links with Jupiter we may find that  an opportunity that had passed us by comes around once more, making this a good time to have another go.

In fact, Mercury will link with Jupiter once again next month, and once it does we may find that our investment has already begun to pay off. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Thursday 3rd September 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 3rd September 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With the Sun continuing to oppose Neptune someone may try to dissuade you from a key hope. However, if it is something that motivates and inspires you, keep a tight focus on this. And once you have made your move you are probably best not to be tempted to pick up the conversation again. The cosmos urges you to stick with the positives and be single-minded. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Try not to resist people whose emotional or intellectual outlook is different from your own. Your horoscope suggests that if you can't find the space within to buy into their viewpoint, then consider changing the subject or doing something else. Despite this, as the Moon and Venus link there are still perspectives you can both agree on, it's just being sensitive enough to pick up on what and when.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With Mars much better placed, you may find that attempting something new or different can work out surprisingly well. Try not to give in to doubts or fears, for these might discourage you from making a start. This can be a fabulous opportunity to discover the benefits or tap into a less than fully utilised talent of yours. At this time, latent qualities can really flourish.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Social activities can be varied and fascinating, especially concerning groups or clubs that cater to your interests. Mind, there's a chance you might waste time that could be used in a more productive way. You probably have tasks you need to complete, which is why the present setup suggests attending to these first and foremost, and then you'll be free to enjoy things.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Financial matters could leave you somewhat emotional, particularly if you don't have all the facts to make a decision. It would not be a surprise if you felt at a loss as to what to do next. However, you might find that if you wait until this time next week, clarity will be fully restored. The overall information you seek may be available by then, enabling more informed choices.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Due to the recent Eclipse you may be encountering a relationship issue. But this isn't the time to doubt. Believe you have what it takes to sort this out. If you stay calm and collected and tackle it using the power of logic, you will more readily resolve things. If it feels that you might overreact, look to find some diversions that can give you some much needed head-space.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Today's planetary backdrop suggests you should stand up for yourself and refuse to do anything that doesn't feel right. Others may try to convince you that they have your best interests at heart. However, if your intuition tells you that something is not as it should be, then do listen to it. One of your best qualities is to people please, but right now, look to please yourself.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you have a bold suggestion for a social event or are thinking of asking someone on a date, then confidence is everything. If you look and act as if you know what you're doing then it should turn out fine. However, present influences suggest doubts could assail you and might be an obstacle. If this happens, tick off in your mind all the strengths you have to cope.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may find it difficult to understand why certain people behave as they do, and why you seem to be singled out as a target for their dissatisfaction. Certainly, the current setup, with a focus at the top of your chart, suggests you'd be better to look to the future and to snap up any opportunities, as even small ones can bring positive rewards if firmly grasped, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The stars suggest you can get more done if you do it yourself. If you attempt to involve others they might slow you down or end up complicating matters. Even asking for advice could be tricky just now, with someone saying they have all the answers, when they probably don't. By doing things in your own way and in your own time, you'll feel a greater sense of control.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

As the present blend of energies continues to spotlight your finances, there is a chance that advice could be flawed, even if the person giving it is a respected authority. It may be better to forget about short-term gains and instead focus on plans that can bring a good return over a longer period of time. For now Aquarius, it's probably best to take the most prudent route.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If there are some complex issues that you've been keeping to yourself, the desire to say something can grow. In fact, the Eclipse a couple of days ago may have been the trigger for this, and could be the reason you feel a need to talk. If so, it might be worth getting together with a friend or family member you can trust and getting it off your chest once and for all.