Today's Full Moon in Taurus aligns with electric Uranus, making this day somewhat unpredictable and prone to mini-dramas.
There could be a tendency to impulsive decisions and to overreact to issues that might not have bothered us on a normal day. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 31st October 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 31st October 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With a lively Full Moon aligning with restless Uranus, you may be ready to adopt new strategies regarding your financial affairs. This is a time to be resourceful and cutting-edge, and if you are currently facing issues, paring back expenses could help you get back control. Still, an edgy Mercury Saturn tie hints that if you hit a roadblock in key negotiations, patience is wise.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If there's something you've been meaning to say, but have been putting it off because it might cause a furore, you could go ahead. The dynamic Full Moon in your sign links to authentic Uranus, which indicates an event that might be a gamechanger. If you've held your feelings back, they may come out fairly suddenly, and others can be shocked at how emotional you are.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A flash of understanding could revolutionize your life, if you act on it, and might give you a sense of purpose that may have been lacking. Mind, with volatile energies involved, the last thing you want to do is upset the status quo, especially if there were financial or other consequences from doing so. Yet your depth of feeling can be such, that waiting seems to make things worse.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Sometimes all it takes is a dazzling conversation to make positive changes to your life. Today's Full Moon in your social zone gets a jolt from Uranus, that could see you eager to join a creative group or connect with someone you admire. You may be surprised at how quickly things come together, and how this upbeat shift can leave you feeling happier and even more creative.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Ready for a change of pace Leo? If frustrations around your current situation are too much to bear, then you may want to take a short cut to relief, and do something on the spur of the moment. If tensions have been building, an impulsive move might seem to be the answer, but could you lose out? Your horoscope suggests factoring in any changes at a slower pace, and saving yourself angst.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Something you hear over coming days, could make you sit up and take notice. If you've wondered when the tide would turn and take you on a more interesting path, then today's potent lunar phase might be the catalyst. You may need to let go of something first before you can move ahead though, and if you sense that it is time for it to leave your life, it could be easier.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A change in values could have quite an effect on key aspects of your life, as you ponder the consequences of taking on board far-reaching ideas. These may have been circulating for a while, but an event associated with today's Full Moon, might mean something hits home. This can change your lifestyle habits and encourage you to think carefully about what you buy.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With a dynamic Full Moon in your sector of relating syncing with emancipated Uranus, change may be in the air regarding a relationship. If you've wanted things to take a new turn, this can be your opportunity. There is a sense that you both need space. This doesn't mean the end of your association, but it could encourage greater self-reliance which might improve matters.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Today's lunation can set the pace for the rest of the week, bringing much food for thought. There is a chance for you to embark on a new phase, that allows you to activate more of your potential. This may be triggered by a surprise offer or a challenge that you can't refuse. It might require you to draw on your inner strengths, and could be the beginning of a more satisfying way of life.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
It's unlikely that you will be indifferent to an encounter that seems to sizzle with chemistry. A spark of recognition can encourage you to connect, even if you have different ideas and values. Will this be challenging? Very likely! But it could also be a creative match. This might contrast a more edgy bond with an authority figure, where a measured approach may be the key to success.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Today's Full Moon can put home and career matters into focus, and highlight an opportunity you have been considering. It could shake things up, and this is something you will need to give some consideration to. If this is causing issues with family it might all come out into the open, and diplomacy may be needed to avoid a falling out. Try to take things slowly for the best outcome.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A powerful lunar phase in your sector of communication, can highlight an idea or perhaps the solution to something you have been pondering for some time. Radical action may be needed though, including letting go of anything that no longer serves. As the energies could be fairly volatile, a pause for thought before you do or say anything might prevent dramas and mistakes.