The last day of October is particularly significant as Saturn steps forwards one degree in Sagittarius, and thus enters into a broad right angle with the dreamy Neptune.
This will peak in one month's time, but the interim will be increasingly tricky. This is not a time to be unrealistic about any area of life, because if we are the chances are that it is going to see us come unstuck. Physical vitality is also going to be at a premium. Conserve energy where possible. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 31st October 2015 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Emotional issues can rise to the surface, with the Cancer Moon appealing to your softer and more sensitive side. Indeed, a nostalgic aspect pattern involving Neptune could be the reason you feel like connecting with an old friend and suggesting a reunion. There's more though, as a dream could set the scene for a creative venture.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The ability to empathize with others or another could be a revelation – particularly if you've been worrying about an issue involving someone close. Today's focus can be an aid to attaining an insightful overview of their thoughts and feelings, which could be the key to resolving this matter once and for all.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Care may be needed to avoid making a decision in which you end up worse off than you were. An astrological pattern that can foster emotional reactions, along with the fickle planet of Neptune, can mean a proposition or even an idea is not what it seems. It's best not to agree to or sign anything, if you're at all uncertain. {copytag:[615]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The astrological backdrop looks excellent for a Halloween party-fest with toffee apples and other traditional fare, especially if you're the one organizing it. However, there's not only mystery and magic in the air, but an opportunity for a misunderstanding that could cause a bit of a rumpus unless you can forgive and forget.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
There may be one particular area in your life where you feel quite vulnerable, Leo. And with today's planetary picture emphasizing this, you might benefit from a little private time. If you can cut your schedule down that's great. But if not, maintaining a low profile and going with the flow might help you feel more at ease.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
When things run smoothly your confidence in the benefits of forethought and planning is heightened. However, while things may seem to be going well at first, it's not a given they'll carry on in the same vein. Be prepared to be put on the spot during the day, yet consider how mistakes can also be blessings in disguise.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The material aspects of your life, such as your job, routines, goals and financial situation are suffused with emotional energy, which means that by acknowledging your feelings and harnessing them to realize your dreams and desires you could kick start a period of change. However, staying focused is essential.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Though you prefer to keep your feelings private, today's starry backdrop could see you wearing your heart on your sleeve. And although unlikely to share your deepest secrets with a stranger, you could find solace in talking over a complex issue with a good friend, who may be surprised you haven't mentioned this before.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With the Sun now in a more reclusive part of your chart, this is the time of year when you can benefit from taking time to assess the state of your emotional health. If one issue has been dragging on for too long, the transformative Scorpio focus urges you to resolve it, as doing so could gift you with greater well-being.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The world may seem awash with feelings and certain people may seem adept at manipulating them for their own benefit. As you liaise with others today, this might be something to watch out for. While the Sun Neptune link can emphasize spiritual principles it might also encourage dishonesty in those inclined to lie.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Being in the zone is an event that many people aspire to – and something you could experience today, as a rousing astrological pattern can see you skillfully navigating through a sea of emotions and riding high on the best and most exhilarating of them. The net result could be success in a situation in which it wasn't expected.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The combination of energies in play today suggests it might be difficult for another to deceive you. However, while you may fully realize what someone's intentions are your compassionate and accepting nature could choose to ignore this side of them. In this situation though, you'd be better to speak out and nip it in the bud.