An harmonious connection between the Sun in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces can stir our imagination.
And on the last day of 2016 an inspiring movie or book might encourage us to redefiine our goals for 2017 and perhaps to aim higher or try harder. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 31st December 2016 please see below…
Daily Horoscopes Saturday 31st December 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You may be keen to make the last day of the year special and to celebrate in style, yet this can also be a thoughtful time for you. While you may generally feel upbeat and ready to embrace the New Year and all it holds, it might seem that for you the deeper meaning of this occasion can be the chance to revel in those heartfelt connections that often make life so worthwhile. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The atmosphere is ripe for a lively day and could see you welcoming the New Year surrounded by friends, or perhaps with one special person. But the bigger picture reveals that you may be excited by an insight that could help you to dismantle an inner block to progress. It may be you've taken for granted a belief about yourself. Look to dissolve such inhibitions now.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
New Year's Eve can see a cementing of ties, with one relationship moving to a new level or taking a step in a more committed direction. Mind, as the evening progresses, you could also feel sentimental about the good times and people you've encountered in times past. But there can be plenty of lighter potentials for you today Gemini, that can help you see in the New Year.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A desire to ring in the New Year in a key location can see you spending the day or evening in a place that has special meaning for you. The current picture suggests that you may have set your sights on 2017 as being a year in which you would like to accomplish something truly significant. Even today, you could feel yourself becoming more and more focused on what this is.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Your horoscope reveals that if you need someone's help over coming days, then perhaps the best way to get it is to use gentle persuasion. Allude to what is required of them rather than asking outright and you may have more success. More seasonally, you might prefer to see the New Year in, in a quiet but rather lovely way with one or two of your very closest friends, rather than attend a brash party.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A sense of gratitude for both friends and family can encourage you to spend time connecting with those you care about and who you might want to show your appreciation to. You may feel genuinely moved by the support or even sacrifices others have made for you and might want to make this New Year's Eve an occasion when you can give a little something back to them.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A decision to arrange a get-together to welcome in 2017 could involve a lot of work when it comes down to it Libra. If this proves to be the case, don't wait until you feel overwhelmed but look to involve others so everyone shares a little of the load. The last twelve months have often seen you putting other people's needs first, and whilst commendable, look after yourself too.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may find the day to be a rather soulful occasion but potentially a beautiful one too. With the New Year upon us, this can be a great opportunity to spend time with children or grandchildren and share in some magical moments. However, you might be upbeat for another reason Scorpio, and it may be because you sense that a positive inner shift is taking hold which is really significant.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Moon is in a very bubbly location for you today Sagittarius, which may inform your decision of how to spend the day and who with. However, with Mars alongside Neptune in your sector of emotions, family and home, it's possible that you'll actually enjoy a relatively peaceful setting or be with people at a venue with whom you are very familiar and at ease with.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Your imagination continues to be really vibrant and this could inform how you spend your evening Capricorn. If you are with a group of people who like playing charades, for example, you might be in your element. Then again, equally you may find watching a really gripping movie your thing. Whatever you decide, do look out for the nuances in people's conversation.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As the old year ebbs away you may feel like taking stock of how far you've journeyed over the past year. Look to celebrate your strengths and any hurdles you've overcome rather than dwell on those strands that you didn't manage to accomplish. And anyway, the person you have become may be so much different from this time last year, that a new reality is shaping your thinking.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Whatever your plans for the day, your friends can play a big part in activities, and interacting with them can provide a focal point. But for you to feel really motivated you are going to need to be at the heart of things and definitely not on the periphery. Mind, if there are songs to be sung or dances to be bopped too, you are likely to be joining in with these with real gusto.