Horoscopes Saturday 31st August 2019

The Sun's harmonious connection with freedom-loving Uranus is an opportunity to be true to ourselves.

What do we really want? How do we really feel about key issues? Our honesty may inspire others to be equally open about themselves. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 31st August 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 31st August 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Resolving conflict using a creative approach may be one way to take the edge off a tricky situation. With Mercury linking with the innovative energies of Uranus, you might spotlight a way to turn this matter into an opportunity that you could really benefit from. Even so, a Moon/Neptune link hints that while some ideas may seem very alluring, they might not be a good match. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

A major focus on your leisure zone, suggests you may be drawn into situations in which your skills and talents are in demand. A hobby that you excel at could become something more, with the option of taking things further and perhaps turning it into a small business. And even if you prefer to keep things low key, opportunity could knock loudly over coming days and weeks.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Where property and investment are concerned, the coming weeks can highlight ways in which you might improve on your present situation. Whether you're renting or own a home, the present picture can see you putting out feelers regarding changes that might benefit you over the long-term. Indeed, any situation that enables you to do or be more, may be worth pursuing.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You may have so many options open to you that deciding what to do next could have you in a spin. With a major focus on your sector of talk and thought, your mind may be in overdrive and this could be part of the problem. Rather than over complicate matters, it helps to simplify them and to consider how much of your to-do list is necessary. Give yourself space to unwind Cancer.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You're currently moving through a practical and dynamic phase, when getting your life in order can be a truly healing occurrence. And when it comes to finances, work and general prospects, there appears to be more potential than not. Bearing this in mind, this can be one of the better times to push for change, and for improving your lifestyle by making the most of your resources.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

If it seems that you are rather into yourself, your ideas and your plans, then make no apology Virgo. With a powerful focus on your sign, this is exactly how it should be. Relish the opportunity to put your interests first and to push ahead with those ideas that give you a ripple of excitement. Ready to travel or to explore fresh terrain. A lively Mercury link can spur you on.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If the present planetary picture shows anything, it is that finding closure on an issue that has been on your mind could be a turning point. In fact, over the coming weeks, events may conspire to enable this to happen. If so, be gentle with yourself. At the same time, you may find that the more you can let go of the past and of this matter, the more uplifted you begin to feel.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The current celestial map suggests your friends and social life may have been instrumental in giving you access to activities that are proving worthwhile. There is also a suggestion that if you were to explore further afield, you could benefit even more. With your Point of Destiny in your sector of exploration, the message is to heed those adventures and opportunities that beckon you.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Have a lot you would like to accomplish? Try to eliminate the unnecessary and focus on your main priorities, otherwise you could end up running around and yet achieving very little. Attend to the most important first, then you will have time to explore new possibilities and options which look set to come your way. It's not all about work though, so relish some downtime too.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A friendship or business relationship could become more committed, as you and another may decide to pool ideas to accomplish something significant. It could be a small personal project or a more adventurous plan, but the effort you may both be prepared to put in suggests things could proceed nicely. Ready to enjoy an exhibition or concert? Your horoscope suggests is the time to do so Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

There are times when others can see things we cannot, and this may be one of them. A focus on a deep emotional sector, suggests that if you have reached an impasse, the insights of a friend or family member may be useful in helping you come through. Sometimes all it needs is a fresh perspective to give you a sense of what your next step should be, and so end the stalemate.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you've felt ambivalent about your connection with someone, things may be about to change. A positive line-up in your sector of relating suggests you may move from uncertainty to inner knowing, and that this feeling can get stronger over the weeks ahead. If key events back up your sixth sense Pisces, then perhaps it is time to act on what your intuition might be telling you.