Logical Mercury in Scorpio aligns with prudent Saturn in Capricorn encouraging us to get organized and create a sound plan.
We may be in a serious mood but this can be helpful for formal and business meetings. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 30th November 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 30th November 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
A task can be heavy going, in that a lot of work may be required. But if you are enthusiastic about the results, then it will likely be worthwhile. With Venus merging with asteroid Ceres in a prominent zone though, you can derive great satisfaction from doing an excellent job, keeping everything organized and making sure that it all goes to plan, leaving you uplifted and recharged.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may be involved in complex arrangements that look to be demanding Taurus, and this phase can continue for a few days. But you might also relish the learning curve involved here, and the experience that it can bring you. And while the Moon/Pluto tie hints that this could be an intense day for all kinds of reasons, this is something you might enjoy too, as it hints at commitment.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Dealing with powerful issues Gemini? You may need to make decisions that could bring dynamic change into your life and create breakthroughs in key areas. All this can be a positive though, even if it means letting go of things that you have become attached to. And yet the thought that you are making space for new possibilities can be the very thing that spurs you on.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
While lifestyle and work can be a priority you may be busy with other things, such as a project you are working on with a loved one or friend. With sweet Venus linking arms with asteroid Ceres, the pleasure you get from this could be that it strengthens your bond in a very profound way. Whoever it is, you could find the experience nurturing in more ways than one Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
While there are opportunities to enjoy yourself Leo, you might prefer to be involved with something that has a constructive outcome, perhaps because it is at an intensely engaging phase. And the more you tackle those knotty issues, the happier it might leave you as you revel in the challenge of getting it done. This can be a rewarding time, with a successful outcome likely.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Someone may have just the right words to encourage you on, but you might find their presence very heart-warming too. They could be a friend or a romantic partner, but their influence can allow you to feel really good, while also enhancing confidence. If you are putting effort into something that has reached a critical phase, their presence can help you trust that all is well.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With Venus your ruler forging a link with nurturing Ceres, home and family matters may be seen in a new and more supportive light. Been under pressure in this area Libra? You may still be busy working things out, but the coming days can bring a sense of purpose to your affairs and spur you on to find solutions. This is also a good time for some self-care, as you truly deserve it.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Adopting a mindset that helps you further your cause could assist you in an intense phase of a plan or ongoing project. Steering your thoughts towards the positive might make it easier to locate the right solutions, as you'll be open to finding them. Your horoscope hints that someone who has accomplished something similar could be a real source of support, and in a position to give you wise advice.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While the Sun in your sign can enhance vitality and gift you with enhanced confidence, you could also benefit from taking stock of your abilities and reminding yourself how talented you are. Taking a few moments to review your successes can give you a real boost that might better enable you to tackle a personal issue. A pep talk could help you feel much better Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may have a lot to contend with, but there is no need to push yourself to the limit, especially if you have already accomplished much. This may be a time when decisions are required, in which case taking some time out might help you assess your situation and your priorities. But do give yourself credit where it is due Capricorn, and perhaps treat yourself to something you deserve.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While the Sun brightens up your social zone, a more intense focus could gift you with an opportunity to tune into those deeper feelings. And doing so could prove comforting if they confirm the path you are currently on. Still, watch your dreams, as they could be very vivid and might have guidance that resonates on a deep level, and that brings further clarity to your plans.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Someone may have a positive and uplifting influence on you, and might be eager to make friends. And if so, this could be one relationship that is worth encouraging. It could develop into one of those bonds that proves invaluable over time. On a career note, as Jupiter prepares to leave your sector of goals in a couple of days, look out for that one opportunity that could be a game-changer.