Horoscopes Saturday 30th March 2019

We could feel restless today as the Moon in Aquarius angles towards maverick Uranus which might make it more difficult to settle.

Rather than stick to our usual routines we may go in search of novel experiences that can leave us with a sense of excitement. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th March 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 30th March 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Frazzled feelings can be a result of lunar links to Mars and Uranus, which could mean that you find it hard to settle to your usual routine. Factor in unexpected events and you might find it easier to respond to life as it happens, as planning may not be an option. On another note, you might long to hear from someone close and perhaps they feel the same, so give them a call. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may benefit from bending with the winds of change, as by doing so, your plans can take on a vitality they may have lacked recently. While Uranus newly in your sign speaks of exciting opportunities, positive Jupiter in your sector of transformation, reveals that gently unpicking an emotional situation could lead to a powerful shift releasing fresh springs of energy Taurus.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

What could be an exciting weekend may be subject to fits and starts, or to having to deal with matters that might have slipped your mind. And you might feel moved to attend to a friend or close one who needs a little cheering up. But as fiery Mars enters your sign tomorrow, the desire to make some changes can put you in a can-do mood, summoning enthusiasm for new plans.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With lively Mars in the last degree of your social sector, an opportunity may arise to sort out an issue and clear the air. It may be nothing much, but it could niggle anyway, and if it only requires a discussion and a willingness to compromise, then it can be dealt with in no time. You may need to be the one that reaches out and makes the first move though, otherwise it might not happen.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You could feel emotional if things don't happen as you expect them to this weekend, as with the Moon angled towards Uranus, there's a chance that plans could go awry. Plus, a deal that seems to have stalled could leave you feeling out of sorts. If so, the cosmic backdrop suggests it may be time to switch off, unwind and get your bearings Leo, as things will seem much different then.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The seed of an idea may take root over coming days and could blossom into a fruitful collaboration or encourage a meaningful friendship. Lunar ties could leave you impatient for results though, which might mean you're tempted to be rather too hasty. If you allow things to proceed naturally Virgo, your horoscope reveals you'll be able to attend to the details and make a great job of it.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

A chat with someone may not be as smooth a process as you might like, and this needs to be taken into account if you have things to discuss. The Moon in your sign and its links to Mars and Uranus, can be volatile, so care may be needed with delicate matters. If you can muster the utmost tact, then this discussion can work well and ring in the changes you so desire Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you look at what you have achieved, it can appear to be quite impressive. And although it may fall short of your expectations, there's no reason to feel disappointed. Nevertheless, today's edgy lunar ties can see you becoming defensive should someone choose to be critical. Let them say what they like and rise above it. Besides, it may be that they are secretly jealous of you Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

You may have explored new ways to feel vital and good, which included choosing a healthier diet or perhaps walking to local destinations rather than driving. Try not to get ahead of yourself though, or go faster than you are able. With restless Uranus in this zone, if something doesn't bring results right away you may be tempted to try a new tack, when it could just take more time.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

If you have been eagerly looking for solutions regarding an ongoing issue, then the coming days can bring insights that might help you resolve it. There may be no logic to the ideas that come to you, and you might not even understand where they came from, but if they give you a fresh perspective then it can be worth trying them out. And there will be plenty more in the pipeline.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

An unexpected guest or visitor could show up this weekend, which may mean you have to scramble your plans and perhaps make other arrangements. At the same time, you will likely be very glad to see them, as their company could provide a refreshing change and a chance to do something different. Even if you need to rework your schedule, it can be worth the effort.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With dynamic Mars about to move out of your communication zone, there may be something that requires sorting out. If there is paperwork that needs doing and you haven't managed it, or a deadline is overdue, the last-minute rush can heighten your energy and focus. Get it out of the way as soon as possible, as from tomorrow your attention may be taken up with family matters.