Horoscopes Saturday 2nd March 2019

With sweet Venus newly in Aquarius and angling towards electric Uranus, an encounter could disrupt our schedule, but might benefit us even so.

It may be that as a result of this, exciting ideas or opportunities come to light. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 2nd March 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 2nd March 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Venus, the planet of relationships, making an edgy link to restless Uranus, your social life this weekend can be fairly upbeat. You seem to be moving through a time when liaising with others could bring opportunities for friendship and exciting interests. Even so, with thoughtful Mercury slowing before its rewind phase next week, there's also a potential for mixed messages. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

As idealistic Uranus prepares to move into your sign in a few days for the long-term, you may already feel a shift in the air and sense that from here on things may never be quite the same again. Mind, as this revolutionary planet leaves your spiritual sector, an encounter or even a dream, could gift you with insights that help put the coming weeks and months into perspective.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Words can have power today, as an emotional Moon Pluto tie in an intense zone, encourages you to voice your views. And this may be one of those times when you feel it is necessary. Sometimes you do need to draw a line and make your feelings known, as this is the only way things will be resolved. Even if others don't agree, your horoscope suggests it can feel very good to stand your ground.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the Moon forging an awkward angle, you may be in a critical mood, which could undermine your efforts. Don't dwell on any perceived failings for too long though, as this probably won't help. Instead, consider the positives and all those things you have succeeded at, as your confidence can be boosted if you do. Try to mix in good company and sidestep those who leave you drained if you can.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

This may be a day of insights that could encourage you to turn over a new leaf. A lunar influence in your lifestyle sector can gift you with enough clarity to know what needs to change. And making a start now could see swifter results. In addition, you could be persuasive, making this an excellent time to garner support for a radical project or idea, even if it does create waves.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Although you might enjoy an active social life, a Moon Pluto tie suggests you could find the company of certain people a tad unsettling, even if you normally relish spending time with them. Although this phase is temporary, it can be an opportunity to step back and get your bearings. With Mercury slowing before rewinding next week, it helps to put your own priorities first.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With a positive planetary alignment ongoing, your presence at social events could certainly boost others' spirits. But as well as encouraging new friendships and associations, the present picture can also be an aid to romance. Whether single or spoken for, a flame may be lit or start to burn more brightly over coming weeks. A delightful reunion could be on the cards for you too.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Others may have big expectations of you, but it is what you expect of yourself that affects you most. You could feel the pressure of certain demands more than usual over coming days, which can be a call to stop and reflect. While it is always nice to support others, the stellar backdrop suggests you could go too far. If your own plans require some attention, then snap to it Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With a very buoyant blend of energies in your chart, you could get swept up in a whirl of social activities this weekend. And arranging something or accepting an invite may be something you would also enjoy. Solo? A spirited encounter might inspire you to see more of someone. They may be attractive in a very different and refreshing way, and any feelings could be mutual.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As articulate Mercury slows before going into reverse next week, it may help to discuss an issue if keeping it to yourself leaves you unsettled. Today's Moon Mercury tie, can spur you on to start a conversation that proves very healing as it releases any tension that has built up. Others may empathize and easily relate to you, which can be very affirming as it shows you are not alone.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A sparkling alignment between lovely Venus in your sign and Uranus your guide planet in your communication zone, can spark a conversation that sizzles with promise. This encounter could lead to a new friendship or perhaps to this person becoming a romantic interest. While a supportive bond could quickly develop, it will need regular attention to truly blossom though.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With delectable Venus now moving through a private sector, the coming weeks can see you linking with others who share your spiritual ideas and beliefs. Joining a yoga or meditation group could be the way to forge positive and sincere bonds that can support you on your journey to greater happiness. Equally, loving and appreciating yourself can be good for you too Pisces.