Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Saturday 29th October 2016

As the potent energies of Mars clash with the revolutionary qualities of Uranus we may feel like breaking free of restraints so  we can better express our individuality.

Even so, if we can create a situation of ongoing creative change rather than act on impulse, we may find ourselves moving into new territory more constructively.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 29th October 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 29th October 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Frazzled feelings can be a result of lunar links to Mars and Uranus, which could mean that you find it hard to settle to your usual routines. Look to factor in the potential for the unexpected by giving your schedule some extra wiggle room, then it will be easier to respond. You might also long to hear from someone close Aries, yet ironically they could feel the same too. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

An erratic blend of energies can leave you feeling restless, making it hard to relax. Why not respond to this with a slice of sociability, as good company might be therapeutic and just what you need? Even so, with Venus in cahoots with Saturn you could be feeling someone else's expectations. If you choose not to see them, look to keep them in the loop with a text.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

What could be an exciting weekend may be subject to fits and starts or having to deal with anything that has been put on the back-burner. You might also need to attend to a friend or close one who needs a little solace. But with a New Moon racing up tomorrow, the desire to make some changes can put you in a can-do mood and summoning up enthusiasm for new plans.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Extra comfort can be had by getting together with people around shared causes, especially if it helps you to feel better about any frustrations you've been experiencing. Your horoscope suggests that although you might be hoping for some peace and quiet, your home environment could be hectic. If you feel harried because of unexpected disruptions, look to create a few quiet moments to restore you.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You could feel quite emotional if things don't happen as you expect them to this weekend, for with Mars angled towards Uranus there's a chance that plans could go awry. In addition, a friendship that may seem to have stalled could be leaving you feeling out of sorts. If so, the cosmic backdrop suggests it may be time to switch off, unwind and get your bearings Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The seed of an idea may take root over coming days, and could blossom into a fruitful collaboration or encourage a meaningful friendship. Current energies could leave you impatient for results though, which might mean you're tempted to push for fresh developments. If you can allow things to proceed naturally Virgo, the results may be much better than hoped.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Interacting with others may not be as smooth a process as you might like, and this needs to be taken into account if you have things to discuss. The Moon in your sign and its links to Mars and Uranus can be volatile, so care may be needed with any delicate matters. You could feel unsettled about this, but it may be part of a process of change that will bring future benefits.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

A get-together could be snarled up by last minute complications and glitches. If this does happen, be determined to keep an open mind, and then you can get less hung up on all this. Lowering your expectations and going with the flow can be another way to offset disappointments. You may even decide to postpone this event for now, and if so, don't feel guilty about it.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

While you may present a businesslike front, other planetary aspects indicate that your mind might be dreaming of other things, especially if they can lift you out of everyday surroundings. These mental meanderings may actually be therapeutic. Another strand may be more about a financial opportunity. Although tempting, if it requires risking too much investment, appraise it well.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Should you find yourself involved in an emotional drama, the cosmic backdrop suggests doing what you can to calm the situation will be to your benefit. You could find that the ability to stand back helps you to better understand some of the nuances of the issues involved. Although this is quite a demanding vibe, reassuringly, it will have passed by in a few days time.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you're in the process of exploring opportunities that you hope could have some serious upsides, how you motivate and inform others about this will be key. Under the present picture which involves your ruler Uranus, you could put across an idea in a way that might negate some of the benefits. No matter how much you want it, a thoughtful approach will work best.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

There are times when it can seem lonely pursuing our goals or dreams, especially when we have had to cut back on other activities to accomplish these. Over the next day or so, you can be more conscious of the sacrifices that you've made. But this is the time to hold firm, for once the results start rolling in, the satisfaction you glean will make it all seem more worthwhile.