Mars in sensitive Cancer forges a positive tie with Uranus in Taurus so we may find our intuition is at a peak.
We'll zero in on opportunities, easily understand others' motives and have a stronger sense of what to embrace and what to avoid. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th April 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 29th April 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With Mars linking to Uranus, you'll be keen to explore new ways to increase your income and to promote your unique qualities and special talents. A focus on your money zone ramps-up your desire for security by making use of innovative ideas that could improve your quality of life. Have a big project on? Harness your vivid imagination, but aim to be practical too, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
An innovative tie to Uranus brings a chance of fresh opportunities. Events or conversations over the days ahead, could spur you into action, Taurus. And perceptive insights may leave you with a better idea of what your next steps should be. Exciting and dynamic opportunities can be on the cards, but with Mercury still rewinding, don't start anything without some in-depth research first.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While you may be curious about the possibilities concerning a new opportunity, trust your instincts as to whether you should go ahead or not. As things stand Gemini, your plan might need to be tweaked if it's to work. Don't go for the tried and trusted though. Instead, embrace new ideas. Seeking a respite from life's stresses and strains? Your horoscope suggests that yoga or meditation could help you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Sizzling developments in your social sector can see positive change occurring, inspiring you to move in new circles and develop other interests. The emphasis on friendships and community hints that this can be a good time to join in with a project that might benefit others in your area. Have a dream that is deeply important to you? Now is a good time to start planning, Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
A link to wildcard Uranus, one of the bigger players in the solar system, gets you thinking. And its activity in a prominent zone looks livelier over coming days. There's potential for a new phase, and if you're ready, the message from the cosmos is loud and clear. It encourages you to play to your strengths and promote your skills in as many ways as you can. Don't wait too long!
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
An innovative aspect is a call to embrace ideas that take you into new territory. And with key planets urging you on, the coming days could bring news or information that create ripples of interest. This is the ideal time to step out in faith and explore the potential associated with a personal dream or golden opportunity. If you get the travel bug, it's the ideal time for a break.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A more sensitive and emotional sector of your chart is now in focus. With Mars linking to the revolutionary planet Uranus, use this influence to let go of emotional patterns that could hold you back from living life to the full. With the Sun also in this zone spurring you on, there's no better time to commit to a fresh start Libra, and to take those necessary steps to make it happen.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
As electric Uranus continues to enliven your sector of relating, the idea of freedom and independence could be an ongoing issue. With the Sun also in this zone, there's the possibility of an encounter with someone who has an inspiring approach to life. They could help you to see fresh possibilities everywhere. Getting together might be just the tonic you need, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The planet Uranus and its unpredictable and independent energies may have brought change to your lifestyle, due to personal decisions or key events. If you have a choice to make, you may just go with the one that is different and more exciting than the others. The current line-up encourages you to explore options for an uplifting and dynamic shift that's perfect for you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As Mars makes a wild connection, you may be inspired to experiment with interests you've never tried. Keen to look at ways to express your unique qualities? This could be liberating if you can lose the worry of what others might think. Is there something you've been meaning to try that would make you happy? This is an excellent time to experiment with it, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
You may have an ideal image of how a room or other area of your home should look. But before you dive in and start getting hold of paper, paint or other DIY essentials, check out the cost. And while key planets may inspire you to make a start, Saturn in Pisces puts the emphasis on beauty as well as practicality. A combination of both could be perfect for getting the right look.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Been meaning to start a new project? Whether it's a website, blog, a course of study or a novel, the emphasis on your sector of talk and thought encourages you to get going. With ethereal Neptune in your sign, you could so easily put this off, preferring to think about it rather than take those first steps. But Saturn newly in Pisces, can push you to take this urge very seriously.