Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Saturday 28th November 2020

Mercury in Scorpio aligns with Jupiter in Capricorn which can turn our attention to the larger issues of life and to big plans for the future.

Being clear about what we want out of life can help us channel our energies in a productive way to get the results we are after. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 28th November 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 28th November 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Keen to go enjoy yourself? Another side of you may have more ambitious plans, which might involve someone in authority. Influencing them in a positive way, could be part of a scheme to get the wheels of progress turning for you. Don't try too hard though, as a light-hearted but confident approach can net you what you want. In this case, less is more Aries. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Someone may turn your attention to possibilities you have never considered before, and once they are pointed out, you might be excited to do something about them. If you do go ahead, then one of them could be life changing in a powerful way. A seed planted now can blossom over coming weeks and months, and before you know it, you may find yourself on an exciting new path.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Something may appear so very tempting, and yet when looked into further, you could discover that it is not all that it seems. The truth can be veiled, and things and people might appear other than they are. If you are keen to make progress, you can stave off confusion by asking direct questions and sticking with the facts. Even if others seem not to like it, it could get results.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You could find yourself drawing closer to someone, leading to a friendship or perhaps a romance that develops in a slow, steady and rather intense way. This may be due to working together in a creative way on a project or collaborating on a plan. Whatever the reason for meeting up, you might find that as you get to know them, their influence on you can be positively transformative.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

You could have grand plans for the coming days. Some might involve close ones, and if it's possible to have them around, you can enjoy cooking and playing host. Otherwise, don't make too many promises, especially in public, as a hazy alignment with nebulous Neptune suggests that you may not be able to follow through. For a productive weekend,your horoscope suggests keeping things simple Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

An idea can seem compelling, and something that you might like to explore further. If it means using a skill that you excel at, this could be an opportunity to showcase your talents to others. There is also potential for an encounter that may influence you intensely. You could share an interest with this person, and this can be the springboard for so much more to happen.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This weekend can offer a great opportunity for recycling, decluttering and finding new uses for things that you haven't picked up in a while. A helpful, yet radical aspect, could coincide with a decision to do some clearing out, and perhaps to make this a regular habit. It is also possible that selling outdated items might net you extra cash, which may come in useful at this time of year.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If your instincts encourage you to go further with an idea, then do consider it, Scorpio. This might be something that seems trivial on the surface, but that could have positive implications. Don't want to commit too much in terms of time and energy at an early stage? Then proceed in baby steps. You can then pull out at any time, although you are likely to find yourself captivated.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Insights into the way you think about and spend money, could allow you to make changes that enable it to go further. You may notice you splurge more when you feel pressured or stressed, and knowing this might help you to make wiser choices. Yet if you are really excited about a riveting plan or idea, cost can take second place unless you give it some conscious thought.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Friends may want to involve you in a project that they feel you can contribute to in a positive and even masterful way. Once you find out what it is, you might be delighted to take part as you could reap other benefits just by joining in. It is also possible that an encounter has a positive impact. Someone you meet may seem like a kindred spirit, and this can appeal to you.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This isn't the time to ignore your sixth sense Aquarius, but to tune in even more deeply and get the gist of what it's saying. Feel moved to engage with an idea or opportunity? If so, it might seem illogical to your thinking mind. Yet if you do go ahead, you may be surprised at how it all flows. Fiery Mars can find you keen to get out and discover more about your local area.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A positive Moon/Neptune aspect can mean that you tune into other people's feelings, and sometimes register them as your own. This is not the best day to make decisions, as you may not have the necessary clarity. Getting excited about an opportunity? It could be a bit of a stretch, but enjoyably so, and with the support of friends to cheer you on you might do so very well Pisces.

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