Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Saturday 28th July 2018

 As convivial Venus aligns with powerful Pluto, emotions can be intense and we might find we are compelled by our desires to act.

A relationship begun at this time could be a transformative experience and any creative activities can be therapeutic. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 28th July 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 28th July 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You could find it difficult to persuade a friend or an associate of the validity of your ideas, even if they are good ones. In addition, with feisty Mars your ruler under pressure in your social zone and lively Mercury in its retro phase, they may look for the reasons why it won't work rather than why it could. For now, it can be helpful to respect their decision even if you don't agree Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Mars in a prominent zone and in a somewhat diminished state suggests that whatever you do, certain people may have something to say about it. This may not be the best time to launch a major project or take on anything too demanding. In fact, the reverse may be true Taurus, in that you would be better to let go of anything that is not a good or wise investment of your time.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It is likely that yesterday's lunar Eclipse across your communication and travel axis may have made you aware of all the admin and paperwork you need to catch up on. At the same time, a part of you may long for a chance to escape and to unwind in a place devoid of technology where you can truly relax. If you can plan a break, it could be something to look forward to Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

This may not be the best time to purchase any big-ticket items or to commit to a loan or other financial outgoing. Dynamic Mars continues to rewind in your sector of shared assets, and inquisitive Mercury is still in its retro phase in your personal money zone Cancer. Therefore, it might help to budget over coming weeks and to find ways to make your money go further.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Yesterday's lunar Eclipse in your sector of relating, may still exert a powerful influence on you. However, as the Sun in your sign is also tied in with the point of destiny, whatever occurs could confirm your deepest intuition about your future path and plans. The fact that someone might disagree with you or even try to put you off, could be a clue as to their true motives here Leo

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

While this can be a time when minor things seem to go wrong, the real issue may be that they could seem to go wrong all at once. Rather than worry about this Virgo, it can alert you to those areas where you may not be true to your deeper calling. Your horoscope hints that making time for those things you are passionate about could be the start of a new and positive phase.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Your feelings for a certain person may seem to have diminished now that sweet Venus is moving through a more secluded sector of your chart. It may be that you have been preoccupied with other things Libra, and that you have not felt like socializing quite so much. If a personal issue has taken up your attention, then resolving it could inspire you to reconnect once again.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With fiery Mars in a more compromised situation in your home zone, you may find you have less energy for the day-to-day issues in your domestic sector, nor the desire to make any big changes. However, with the Sun blazing in your sector of ambition and linked to a fated point, you could be delighted to snap up an offer that you sense might lead to better opportunities.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

If you are content with the part you play at work or in your community, this is a good thing. If not, then the presence of diplomatic Venus and her tie with potent Pluto could see you being extra charming to those you are keen to impress. Go easy, as if it seems too obvious then they may notice your eagerness to please. A detached approach can have a more positive effect.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

This may not be the best time to fritter money away on small things that might have no lasting impact on your life. However, the stellar map reveals that there can be one investment that might benefit you, and the option to get more involved could show up over coming days. It may concern pooling your resources so that a smaller sum could provide bigger dividends in return.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

This is no time to go solo, as with determined Mars continuing to rewind in your sign, your energy may not be as focused as usual. Even so, teaming up with others can work very well and looks to be a much better option. Whatever you need to accomplish, it seems you can do very well if you work alongside others. Indeed, one group project could be a turning point for you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may have doubts about whether you are doing the right thing, and if you dwell on these then you could end up feeling even more confused. Your chart indicates that getting on with your daily routine and perhaps trying one new activity at a time, can be very grounding and reassuring. This gives you a chance to road test your most exciting ideas and see what comes from them.