Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Saturday 27th July 2024

The Moon in Taurus angles towards transformational Pluto in Aquarius which could find us in a bit of a bind.

We may know what we should do, but we might not want to do it. Flexibility may be the answer to an insoluble predicament. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 27th July 2024 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 27th July 2024

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The Moon in Taurus forms a tense angle with Pluto, so you might find yourself on the defensive. Clashing values with a group or individual can spark a fierce reaction. This aspect encourages you to understand why you feel so tested. Use this moment to deepen your awareness of differing perspectives. It's an opportunity for growth, even if it's also a bit of a challenge.{copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

While it might be easier to keep certain information to yourself, is it right? This is the dilemma you may be faced with, and to which there's likely no easy answer. What you want to share could bring up emotions in the one who will hear it, and this can be something you're eager to avoid. Ask yourself if your actions will help or hinder? A dose of tough love may be essential.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Moon in Taurus angles towards underworld Pluto in Aquarius, which could give you the push you need to try something that needs courage. To move forward you may need to overcome a reaction that often stops you in your tracks and causes you to miss out on opportunities that you might have enjoyed. Uplifting influences could help you make a start on breaking this cycle.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

The Taurus Moon can be a soothing influence, inspiring you to get out and about with friends or to attend an event that's of real interest to you. This is a time to wind down and do nothing much except whatever makes you happy. Mind, the Moon does angle towards Pluto over the day, so if something is on your mind, then a chat with a trusted confidant could help you to let it go.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It may be difficult to ignore feelings of restlessness and an urge to get away from it all. Fiery Mars in a conversational sign and in your social zone, might be the reason you feel tired. Fresh air and the push to get more exercise is one way to get your body moving. If you make a habit of doing this daily, you'll soon feel invigorated and will give your all to your brightest plans.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Feelings could be intense, with an awkward Moon/Pluto tie leaving you on edge and irritable. This might result in you snapping at someone unless you're careful to stay calm. Still, if you can discuss something vitally important, the shift in your outlook may lead to a fresh outcome. On a high note, be sure to promote yourself at every opportunity, it will boost your street credibility.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Is someone trying to annoy you? It may seem like they're going out of their way to get a reaction. Adopting a cool, calm and spiritual approach might throw them completely though, especially if you can detach from what they're saying and let it all go. You likely have far more important matters to be dealing with, so ignoring their remarks will be the best thing you can do.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

You could sabotage your best interests if you lapse into blaming yourself for anything that goes wrong. A relaxed approach may be the better option, as this might be one of those times when being too hard on yourself won't serve you at all. A leading focus encourages you understand why this can be. Your horoscope suggests allowing your curiosity to help you deal with this issue and find answers.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Speaking without thinking could get you into trouble, as it may lead to a situation that might have been avoided. A pause to gain a true understanding of things can allow for a more positive outcome going forward. The Moon in sensual Taurus offers a calming and practical approach to any dilemmas. A pause for thought could help avoid spur of the moment decisions.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You might feel a pull towards making a spontaneous purchase. However, caution is your friend here. This desire may quickly wane, leaving you with buyer's remorse for something that momentarily sparkled but lost its lustre all too fast. Before you commit your hard-earned cash, pause and ponder whether this urge is truly a need or just a fleeting fancy. Why not sleep on it!

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

It helps not to get into a verbal tussle that you might not win. And yet this is what may happen if you allow your feelings to run away with you. No matter how much a certain situation or person seems to nettle you, other influences suggest taking the higher ground and acting accordingly. In a few days you could see why this was important and how it will help, even if you can't now.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The mention of a certain topic could trigger you more than you think. Perhaps you aren't aware of how much it has affected you. If so, your reaction will let you know that this matter is important. If you can't resolve it yourself because it runs too deep, you might need the help of a coach or counsellor. Trust your intuition, and if you sense this warrants attention then act on it.

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