Horoscopes Saturday 25th May 2019

With the Moon linking to expansive Jupiter we may be keen to try out new experiences and see where they lead.

If we can take a few friends along for the ride then so much the better as we might enjoy ourselves even more. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 25th May 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 25th May 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With thoughtful Mercury opposing dwarf planet Ceres, it may be time to consider what beliefs or knowledge are nourishing your plans and helping you accomplish your goals. It might also be wise to consider what doesn't nurture you. If you already have a sense of what this is, then steering clear can help you make progress. Embrace what feeds you and leave the rest behind. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With heavyweights Saturn and Pluto in proximity, this is not a time for wishful thinking as much as being realistic about your chances. If you have set your sights on an opportunity, it might not arrive as quickly as you had hoped, but this doesn't mean that it won't Taurus. With both planets rewinding, you have time to prepare and to make sure this is what you want before going for it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

What might hold you back this week isn't so much a lack of confidence, as a fixation with events that need your input, whether past or present. Having the Sun and chatty Mercury in your sign gives you a big advantage, and with the Moon at a positive angle, there is much you can accomplish. Taking steps to gently unravel uncomfortable situations can clear the path ahead.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Whatever you do or say will affect others, especially with stirring Mars in your sign, increasing courage and inspiring you to stand your ground. If you have been speaking out more often lately, this will not have gone unnoticed. If you are tired of ongoing control battles, your horoscope reveals the coming weeks can bring an opportunity to resolve this once and for all Cancer, leaving you much more assured.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Even those with charisma have their weak spots, and it is no shame to admit that there are some things you can't do as well as others. You may find yourself in this predicament, and perhaps have been too proud to say anything. Talking over your concerns can be a big relief, especially if there is someone who can take over while you get to focus on those things you excel at Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may feel a tad disheartened if you haven't accomplished as much as you would like recently and yet it is also likely that you have tried your hardest. If so, then don't feel bad about things that you cannot change Virgo, as it is what you do next that really counts. It may be that you have hit a dead end and need to take stock. There is no harm in relaxing a little while you do though.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Who are your real friends Libra? Over coming days, you may have a realization that sets you thinking. Some of your friends may have no interest in hobbies or pastimes you love, and yet might be very supportive and nurturing. Others may appear more user-friendly and connecting with them could come with a price. If you feel ready to make a few changes it could be a relief.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Be careful of what you say, as an intense focus on your communication zone suggests someone could use your words against you. This doesn't mean you should distrust everyone you meet, but that there are likely certain people who see themselves as your competitors. Even if this is in a friendly way, it might be better not to give them fuel to start a fire Scorpio. Mindfulness can help.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The Moon's tie with generous Jupiter in your sign, hints that a meeting or conversation could surpass your expectations and might give you a reason to feel more cheerful. This weekend can be a time of unexpected invites and new connections, so it is worth socializing. How fulfilled do you feel regarding a key relationship though? A discussion could improve things for both of you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Fate is often less a matter of chance and more of choice, as the starry map reveals. With sobering Saturn and potent Pluto in your sign and opposite your point of destiny, it is just as well to think carefully before making any important decisions. In particular, consider the consequences and where they might lead. Involving others in this process can be an excellent move Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

An outing could be a lot of fun if you invite friends along, and if it involves a new experience, then so much the better. Something you are involved with today could pave the way for a meeting of minds or a new interest that might expand your range of leisure and social options. Certain activities might replenish you more than others, and sticking with these could be uplifting.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may be determined to forge ahead with a personal goal, but the cosmic outlook suggests you could get distracted through no fault of your own. You may find you accomplish more if you take a break from key tasks and go on a family outing or do something a little more exciting. Your spirits may soar, and you could find you get so much more done as a result Pisces.