The Sun is finding its feet in Scorpio, but with Mercury heading into an opposition with the unpredictable energies of Uranus, the heavens are abuzz with electricity and as above, so below.
All this can certainly ramp up intensity. If you like things to run on the hot and heavy side in life, this will bring that added buzz to bear that everyday life and routine can dull. If you prefer the quiet life, a dramatic conversation or challenge are possible. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 24th October 2015 please see below
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While Mars in Virgo can make you aware of opportunities on offer, the Pisces Moon encourages you to look at what may need releasing from your life. And, as Lunar links also dally with Venus and Jupiter today, examine your schedule and see where you've overcommitted, as you might need to tweak your to-do list a little.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
You may find yourself looking for something more adventurous, soulful and enchanting than your usual social circle has on offer. Indeed, the Sun, newly in Scorpio, might entice you to explore other venues and perhaps to do so by yourself. Free from others' moods or expectations you could make some interesting discoveries.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
For big dreams to come to fruition support is generally needed. And it seems access to the grounding and wholesome planetary energies in your home zone may provide just that. The encouragement of family and friends can make a difference, giving you the confidence and determination, but then it really is down to you, Gemini. {copytag:[615]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you planned on attempting a DIY task, such as assembling a piece of furniture or wall-papering, then hold fire. The Mercury Uranus aspect isn't the best for jobs requiring patience and attention to detail. Getting friends involved might not help either, so opt for something that's less taxing and proves more relaxing.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
The Moon in your house of secrets and money makes some awkward angles today across the financial axis, so if you're faced with a trying situation you may need to work at getting to the truth of the matter. Also there's a chance someone may be trying to gloss over a mistake they've made – and sadly at your expense.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Neptune has been gliding through your relationship sector for some time now Virgo, so you may be accustomed to the creative and imaginative ideas others run by you. However, you've probably realized that at times you need to stand firm and not get swept away by their or your emotion – and this can be particularly so today.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Lunar influences can coincide with a need to rest and recharge your batteries, which may be down to the desire to settle an old issue that's resurfaced, perhaps bringing with it a sense of weariness. However, the Sun newly in Scorpio is good news, as it can give you the inner strength to resolve any issues once and for all.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
The Sun newly in your sign, certainly puts you back in the driving seat, giving you a feeling of greater control. You may notice how energy levels rise, giving you more reserves to put into key projects and plans. Even so, other influences suggest not taking on too much just yet. In fact, just planning for now is better.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Both the Pisces Moon and Sun in Scorpio encourage relaxation and a temporary retreat from life so as to get your bearings. With the Sun now in a more private part of your solar chart, look to let go of any accumulation of thoughts and feelings. Once purged, you will feel much more available for things in the here and now.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Venus's close connection with Jupiter might see you taking an interest in a subject because a friend or romantic partner is already involved. You might find that taking part boosts your skills and brings fresh opportunities too. Regarding communications though, give careful thought as to how you'll broach a trickier subject.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
This can be your time to shine, as the Sun moves more deeply into the most prominent part of your chart, where it encourages you to showcase your talents, goods and services. Nevertheless, as Mercury opposes Uranus, gadget malfunctions could be an issue, temporarily blocking vital connections and causing some disruptions.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Moon in your sign opposes Venus, Jupiter and Mars in your relationship sector, so you could find yourself in the position of lending emotional support to friends or a loved one should they need it. Indeed a soothing conversation might benefit you too. However, this will work best for you if it is a two way street, Pisces.