Mercury aligns with Venus and both planets forge an awkward angle to beguiling Neptune which can find us dreaming of what might be.
While it is great to tap into our imagination we need to be practical too so as not to get too carried away by unrealistic expectations. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 23rd May 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 23rd May 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
While the Sun/Saturn angle can see you being ultra-organized, this might not be so of others who think you have all the time in the world to chat. These are the ones who could easily de-rail your plans for the weekend. While you won't want to upset them, you will need to let them know you don't have all day. A gentle word and a resolute approach can help you to be more productive.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A virtual party can see you connecting with someone, and thinking you have met the perfect person. Don't rush into romance mode until a few days have passed. You'll know by then if this has any mileage, as with Venus rewinding, you'll either feel like drawing closer or resigning this matter to history. Where affairs of the heart are concerned, discrimination is key at this time.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Have you found your purpose in life? No matter how you feel about your job or your personal goals, you might wonder if there is more. Ties to idealistic Neptune in a prominent zone can inspire you to assist others in a way that might make a difference to their lives. You need to be down-to-earth about this though Gemini. Don't give up a paying job on a whim just yet.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Try not to promise too much over the days ahead, as it could be embarrassing if you can't keep pace. Present influences suggest that you might feel so confident of what you can accomplish, you could easily overdo it. In fact, you might be more inclined to take time out to unwind and recharge, so it helps to find a balance. Do what is manageable, and you'll be much happier.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may prefer a spontaneous approach to spending money. Yet with Venus and Mercury angling towards evasive Neptune, the benefits of keeping track of your outgoings can be a great way to sidestep any overspend and keep thing under control. This can be pertinent over coming days, when a Mars/Uranus link could encourage you to splurge, even if doing so is an investment.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Feelings may be unpredictable, and coupled with a developing Mars/Uranus link, you could feel edgy in general. This might result in snapping at a friend, unless you are careful to stay calm. There may be another reason why staying cool is better, as a dreamier blend of energies suggests you could feel guilty if you do have words. Keeping things sweet might be better for all involved.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
You may feel annoyed by someone, and it could seem like they are going out of their way to get a reaction. Adopting a cool, calm and spiritual approach might flaw them completely though Libra, especially if you can detach from what they are saying and let it all go. You likely have far more important matters to be dealing with, so ignoring their remarks could be the best thing you can do.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You could sabotage your own best interests if you lapse into blaming yourself for anything that goes wrong. Self-forgiveness may be the better option, as this could be one of those days when taking mistakes out on yourself won't serve you at all. If you find yourself in this situation, your horoscope suggests doing something nice such as a home-cooked meal or some self-care Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Sometimes you tend to speak before you think, which is what could happen today due to an edgy lunar tie. If you do though, you may unintentionally upset someone by being too blunt and rather too honest, especially if you are put on the spot. Pausing before you speak could be a good move, as it might help you to stay on good terms with someone you really don't want to fall out with.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
If you need to clear the air, then do so as tactfully as possible. Better still, err on the side of sensitivity and gentleness, as this will encourage greater co-operation. This can be especially so if someone has proposed an idea that seems to have gaping flaws. Your instinct might be to put them right, but give them the benefit of the doubt and something good could come from this.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It helps not to get into a verbal tussle that you might not win Aquarius. Yet this is what can happen if you allow the Moon/Mars angle to de-rail you. No matter how much a certain situation or person seems to nettle you, aspects to ethereal Neptune suggest taking the higher perspective and course of action. In a few days you may see why this was important, even if you can't now.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As Venus and Mercury continue to angle towards Neptune, ideas may shimmer with a new light and the impossible could seem possible. This is why it is wise to tread with care around schemes that have an unrealistic quality. Today's lunar tie to Mars encourages you to ask a few key questions, whether to yourself or another, as the answers could tell you all you need to know.