Horoscopes Saturday 22nd June 2019

With dreamy Neptune turning retrograde yesterday in Pisces, the coming months can see us becoming more aware.

We may be less likely to go into denial and ready to admit if something is not working out as we hoped. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 22nd June 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 22nd June 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

How conscious are you of your real motives for doing something? You may think that a desire to connect with a certain person or to enjoy a new experience, has come about spontaneously, but perhaps it hasn't. There is a potential to enjoy yourself this weekend, as long as you understand the reason why you want to be involved. It's a time to be direct, if diplomatically so. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

With dreamy Neptune forging edgy angles to both Venus and Jupiter, the desire to splurge and to enjoy a few luxuries may be on your mind. Stick with what you can afford though, as you may be tempted by expensive items because your friends are indulging. An over-optimistic perspective on your financial affairs could see you splashing out when it's better to hold back.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Who do you most want to impress? The trick is not to give out mixed messages, which may be easier said than done. And there is no guarantee that others will respond to you in the way that you hope. A connection with someone over this weekend could be a joyful and positive occasion, but don't worry if nothing comes from it. When the time is right all will become clear.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the Sun in your sign, you may feel intuitively that it's time to focus on those things that are important to you. Any battles you may have experienced over recent days can begin to ease, and you'll realise just how much strength you have when it comes to standing up for what you want. At the same time, a deeper understanding of yourself could bring out your full potential.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Sun's harmonious link to the Moon may be a temporary aspect, but it can give you a feeling of well-being, and with head and heart aligned, enable you to make decisions more easily. There's also a possibility of a delightful celebration or other get-together this weekend. And yet with Neptune in the mix, you may want to keep your reasons secret for not getting too involved.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You could feel good about the way a plan is going and the efforts of your collaborators. There is every reason to be happy about the way things are panning out, which is why it's best not to listen to someone who might leave you feeling less than positive. Whatever their reasons for wanting to undermine you, your horoscope suggests it's wise not to pay them any attention, as this can encourage them.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

With Neptune in reverse and making awkward links to Venus and Jupiter, something that should be a delight could be subject to misunderstandings and a lack of planning. If you are thinking of taking a trip or signing up for a new experience, find the information you need before you get going, rather than hope for the best. That way if there are any problems, you'll have done your best.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Leisure opportunities may call out to you and you might respond by paying good money for them, whether you can afford the options you are considering or not. You could be prone to exaggerating the amount of fun you'll have when something cheaper may be just as good. With hazy Neptune in the mix, you may be sold a vision of delight that doesn't materialize Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The Sun's move into a deeper, emotional zone could be a call to work with your feelings rather than ignore them. If powerful energies were stirred up recently, don't push them away but be willing to acknowledge them, as this might help you to let them go. Remember what you resist, persists. And a social event could sound promising. Still, you may though plump for a quiet night in.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

With Jupiter continuing in its rewind phase in a private zone, it should be easier to catch intuitive nudges as they show up. What might get in the way though, is a tendency to doubt yourself, which could be especially strong over coming days. If you have a vivid dream or get a powerful feeling to go somewhere or do something, consider following through, as it could yield results.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may want to believe someone if they tell you something of interest, and yet your sixth sense might tell you not to. Ties with ethereal Neptune could be a call not to take them at face value, but to look more deeply into their motives. If you can catch a glimpse of what makes this person tick, then you will know how far you can trust them in the future, and can plan accordingly.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With key planets linking to nebulous Neptune in your sign, you may be keen to get moving on an idea that seems to promise the earth. Is this the right time for it though? You could have a skewed perspective on what it is possible to accomplish, perhaps thinking you can achieve more than is practical. Slow down, and get advice first from someone who has tried and succeeded.