The Sun in Pisces forges a harmonious link with Uranus in Taurus which can encourage us to seek out novel experiences.
We may relish an encounter with someone whose refreshing ideas bring hope and answers to ongoing issues. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 22nd February 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 22nd February 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your energies could be scattered over coming days. However, if you have a lot to get done, you may find that working in short bursts is the answer. It might make it easier to concentrate and stop your mind from wandering. In addition, as Venus angles towards upbeat Jupiter, someone in authority could take a shine to you and insist on helping you out just when you need it most.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Something you have been working on for some time may be coming together nicely Taurus. And if so, you could feel proud of what you have done. But, with the Sun and Mars angling towards Uranus, you may notice your focus shifting as a side of you might be ready for something different. This looks to be the case, and it could be a call to embrace new and sparkling options.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While you may be doing your best to keep on top of things, there could be some things that you can't control over the days ahead. This might be regarding a personal goal or key ambition that takes an unexpected turn in a direction you had not planned. Your immediate reaction may be one of disappointment. However, it could be that something better is about to come your way.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If a relationship seems to come together rather quickly, then it may be down to forces that appear outside of your control. You could feel compelled to connect with this person without being sure why this is. Qualities of electric magnetism are very much in the air and can make someone appear highly desirable. It might not be wise to rush into this though, even if you want to Cancer.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With a very dynamic blend of energies showing up, it can seem as though nothing can hold you back Leo. This may be because you choose to take on a challenge that is beyond your usual capabilities. The key is to take your time, tempting though it may be to hurry. Prepare carefully and set the stage for progress, as this could open doors to some rich and unique opportunities.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You can either co-operate with someone's idiosyncrasies or rebel against them Virgo. With the radiant Sun aligning with the changeable energy of Uranus, you might find you get on better with this person if you accept them as they are. Conversations can then be very fruitful and rewarding. Going to a gathering? Your horoscope reveals that a delightful Venus/Jupiter tie can make it a positive and memorable event.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The Sun's link to energizing Uranus can bring a range of options into the mix that might be very exciting. This blend of energies can find you keen to pool ideas and resources with others to make an idea a reality. But it might also be a chance get to know someone better. A supportive friendship could develop from this that can see you interacting frequently and enjoying it Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
There is an easy way and a difficult way to get something you want. The easier way looks to be the one that involves hard work and patience. Putting in a little effort every day could bring the results you want. The less effective way might see you being overhasty and setting yourself back as a result. If you can combine brilliant ideas with a steady focus though, you'll do just fine.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may feel that something needs to change, but may not be sure quite what it is. This weekend can be a good time to get in touch with your feelings and consider where you might be ready to revolutionize your life. You may find that jettisoning those habits that no longer work for you is a good place to start, as doing so will leave space for those things that deeply appeal to you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
This can be a productive time, although you might not see it as such, which may be because the days ahead bring unexpected happenings that divert you from your goal. Your mind could be easily distracted by dazzling information that might see you losing your way. Letting your instincts guide you to people and ideas that can help, might see you making progress though.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Your mind may be spinning, but a major focus on private sectors encourages you to slow down and allow yourself to unwind. If you take on too much you may end up dissipating your energy and perhaps getting very little done at all. The healing that comes from quiet reflection could help recharge your batteries and see you being more productive, especially over this weekend.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
There appears to be many opportunities for meeting people and connecting with those who share your interests. And with the Sun and Mars linking to Uranus, you seem to have an instant rapport with certain people and to understand them very well. It may help to gauge the general vibes before you speak though Pisces, as something you say could come as a big surprise to someone.