Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Saturday 22nd April 2017

The Pisces Moon merges with the mesmeric energies of Neptune today, which can leave us sensitively aware of other people and their moods and feelings.

At the same time, we may find that our imagination is heightened and this can be excellent for all kinds of creative work, should we feel inspired to have a go.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 22nd April 2017 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 22nd April 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Despite there being a lot of activity in your chart, the Moon and its tie with Neptune in a quiet sector can see you enjoying some down time. It might not last for long, but while it does, you'll have an opportunity to reflect on how to improve key areas of your life. Part of this may be the realization that you've outgrown certain beliefs and might benefit from aiming even higher. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You may be willing to do anything to get a big hope of yours off the ground, but with Mercury in a secluded zone linking to Saturn in your sector of shared resources, you may need to mull things over first, especially regarding costs. Don't rush this, no matter what others say. If your instincts tell you it can work, there's a good chance it can, if you do the necessary groundwork.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With Mars powering through your sign, it would be no surprise if you had more energy and felt an urge to pour it into key plans, especially those that sync with your personal vision. At the same time, the Sun gliding through your psychological zone, can also bring an opportunity to release experiences that might have put a brake on progress. Between the two you can go far.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

It may be time to backpedal for a while regarding a personal ambition or career plan, and this is because Mars your planet of goals is gaining a toehold in the most delicate sector of your chart. What this and other influences suggest is that by changing your mindset and releasing thoughts and feelings that no longer chime with your current expectations, you'll accomplish more.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It could be all too easy to fritter your time away on activities that while fun, may not get you very far. Even so, there's no need to give them up completely, as the present focus is very much about liaising with others and enjoying life. But at the same time, carving out a portion of your day to concentrate on something you're keen to finish can give you a good feeling this weekend.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The cosmic backdrop hints that you can help a situation along if you're willing to sidestep any frustrations and discuss it from a constructive viewpoint. Doing so can encourage others to share more positive input themselves. And before too long you may find that rather than wondering how an issue might be resolved, you may already be halfway to getting it completely sorted.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If someone offers you an opportunity that you have already attempted, your first reaction may be to turn it down. But it might be just as well to give it a second go Libra, as this time around something could click neatly into place for you. On a social note, your horoscope entices you to be open minded about who you spend play time with. Someone rather fascinating could also emerge.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If it seems that you care more about a certain person than they do about you, then it is possible that this is only half the story. Astrological forces suggest that whether this concerns a friend or a budding romance, the person in question may have had other things on their mind. However, over the coming week or so you could begin to see a marked improvement in your connection.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

As Mars begins to move deeper into your sector of relating, you may find you are more willing to talk about anything that might be bothering you, and that by clearing the air you can feel a whole lot better. In fact, this influence might do much for a relationship that may need a bit of sparkle. By spending more time with a loved one and doing things together, passions can be rekindled.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Over the coming weeks you may find you are busier than usual with all kinds of tasks, and this might be because your work and lifestyle sector is very much in focus. However, this can also encourage you to ring in the changes and to involve yourself in those activities that you are keen to do well at. If you find you have excess energy though, daily exercise can help burn it off.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Before you decide to get involved in a group project, it may be just as well to consider what is expected of you Aquarius. If out of the kindness of your heart you are eager to help, then you may be given more than your fair share. But if you can discuss your part beforehand and state how much you can contribute, then the division of work can work out fairer for all those involved.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With the Moon linking to Neptune, you can find it easier to let the day unfold as it will and this can be fine if you have no fixed plans. But even if this is the case, you may find the world intrudes soon enough and that before long household tasks or the expectations of friends and family can be your main focus. Still, a concept which emerges may linger and be worth acting on.