Go-getter Mars enters charismatic Leo from today for a stay of around six weeks, stirring up our creative side, and enhancing romance.
There's also potential for one or two dramas especially if we, or others, can't get what we want. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 20th May 2023 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 20th May 2023
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Mars your guide planet powers into passionate Leo, and this can leave you feeling more energized, Aries. You'll be ready to indulge in activities that have the feel-good factor, and to bring more romance into your life. Even so, this looks to be an intense couple of days with Pluto bringing out deep-seated feelings. Does someone resent your popularity? Time to have a word.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Domestic activities get a boost, and household projects that have been on the backburner may fire you up with enthusiasm. You could experience discontent with the way things are and be ready for positive change. With warrior Mars moving through your family zone, a declutter could be on the cards and creative ideas to brighten the home can also appeal over coming weeks, Taurus.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Your social life sparkles, as a concentrated focus on your communication zone might see you eager to reach out to others, whether for friendship, business or perhaps as a romantic gesture. And yet a potent Mars/Pluto face-off can coincide with a tense situation. If you don't agree with someone and say so, this matter could escalate. To avoid a major fall-out, handle with care.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If feelings are bubbling up, then it may be due to yesterday's New Moon alerting you to take notice of whatever is making you excited, anxious or even both. A new beginning is on the cards if you want it, Cancer. Today though, a dynamic influence can inspire you to push ahead with financial plans. It's time to get organized and perhaps consider ways to boost your income.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
In need of a pick-me-up? The movement of potent Mars into your sign today can work wonders, enhancing energy levels and ramping-up your passion for life. Over the coming six weeks you'll be in your element, and your charismatic qualities can see you garnering plenty of attention. Take care though, as an old score may come up to be settled. Avoid rocking the boat too much, Leo.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Is there something you want badly, but won't admit it to yourself? The proactive influence of Mars can stir up seeds of latent desires. Are you happy with the way things are? If not, you may feel the urge to do something. But with Pluto in the mix, there might be a tendency to make this an all or nothing decision. Don't jump into the unknown and then regret it, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As Mars begins its tour of your social sector, you'll be eager for a few changes. If you've grown tired of certain groups or clubs, you'll be ready to ditch them. It's time to get involved in new circles and connect with influential people. Keen to enhance your social media following? This is the time to do so. Go easy though, as something said in innocence could cause bad feeling.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
With dynamic Mars, your co-ruler, powering into the topmost sector of your chart, this is a good time to promote yourself and let everyone know how brilliant you are. Take a leaf out of Leo's book and enjoy talking about your victories and accomplishments, and your horoscope suggests you'll attract offers and opportunities. Keen to succeed? Sort out any domestic issues before you make your move.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Time to grab your passport, tickets and luggage, as a shift in focus can see you eager to take off and explore new places. And if there's a chance of adventure thrown into the mix, then you'll be really delighted to get away. But with a potent Mars/Pluto face-off, this isn't the time to lecture anyone on the rights and wrongs of their actions, Archer. It could result in a permanent fall-out.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
As piercing Mars moves into Leo, the activity around business and financial affairs could step up. You'll have more energy to put into your plans, to resolve issues and grasp new opportunities. And its presence can also help to transform your life by giving you the courage to deal with anything that is weighing you down. By facing up to it, you'll feel an almost instant relief.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
As dynamo Mars moves into your sector of relating, it's an excellent opportunity to clear the air, allowing for better communication. It's also a good time to collaborate or work as part of a team, rather than do things solo, Aquarius. And yet with this go-getter planet opposing potent Pluto in your sign, it's not a good idea to get too involved in an argument that could take a nasty turn.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Your passion for your job and life may increase, and find you eager to put creative energy into reaching your goals. And if your exercise routine has come to a halt, you'll feel a renewed determination to start again and finally reach those fitness goals. Deep down, you might be longing for something that is spiritual rather than material, and it could be time to acknowledge this.