Horoscopes Saturday 1st December 2018

Articulate Mercury enters Scorpio from today bringing an intense note to interactions and discussions.

We may dislike superficial chat, preferring conversations that have depth and that might transform our outlook. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 1st December 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 1st December 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

As Mercury rewinds into a more intense area for a stay of just under two weeks, there may be some powerful conversations to be had. If you have been putting any off, then you might now feel ready to address an issue that needs sorting out once and for all. Even so, events during the days ahead suggest that this could be the turning point you've been hoping for. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

You might begin to notice how attractive you find someone at work or who you see in day-to-day life, even if you have already got to know each other on a superficial level. Over coming days, something might click that encourages you to want to find out more. With gentle Venus set to return to your sector of relating, things may begin to get interesting between you.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

It may be time to crunch those numbers and find out just how well you are doing regarding your fitness goals. As mindful Mercury re-enters this zone, it's an opportunity to make a few changes to your wellness plans. Recently, you may have found out about your strengths and shortcomings, and this is your chance to make the most of this knowledge to feel on top of the world.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

You have so much to offer Cancer, and this can be a golden opportunity to let everyone know what you do best. It may have come to your notice recently how little you are making use of a skill or talent that may be completely natural to you. But just because you find it easy, doesn't mean to say that others do. Someone might pay you for it, and this could be a breakthrough.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Although there is a lively focus on your leisure sector, family matters may require attention once again, bringing an opportunity to sort any issue that may not have been completely resolved. However, it is also likely that over recent weeks new information has emerged that gives you fresh options. Your horoscope suggests that weaving these into any discussions can lead to a sense of completion.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may be required to review a project that you completed earlier. However, as communicator Mercury your guide, returns to a livelier area, a few adjustments may still be needed. This might seem unnecessary to you, but any delays could spotlight something you missed, and resolving this could lead to a better outcome over the long-term if you make those key changes.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Excitement is possible as lovely Venus repeats an opposition to the electric Uranus in your partnership sector. This is the third time that this aspect has occurred over past weeks, and it may coincide with a blossoming relationship and your ability to accept someone exactly as they are. While this person can be unpredictable, you may be very drawn to their unique qualities.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Mercury moves back into your sign from today for a short stay, but its presence can coincide with the realization that something needs rethinking. Whatever this is, it's the time to nip it in the bud before things get out of hand. Nevertheless, with tactful Venus entering your sign from tomorrow, you'll know exactly what to say to make everything all right.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Are there loose ends hampering your ability to move forwards? If so, then the coming week or so can be an opportunity to do something about this. Indeed, an edgy aspect today involving sweet Venus could bring this matter to your attention so that you have no option but to sort it out. Worry not Archer, as once the conversation begins to flow answers will likely show up.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You may wonder why you bother to organize a meet-up or other social events, should others prove unreliable or unappreciative. As livewire Mercury moves back into your friendship zone, this can though be one of the better times to set things straight. Challenge the main source of any niggles. You may find that dealing with this in a no-nonsense way can resolve it.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you thought that you had lost out on an opportunity or made a less than sterling impression on someone, this may not be true. Events over the coming week or so suggest that if you're willing to try again, you may be pleasantly surprised at how things pan out. Mind, if you need to approach this in a slightly different way, it can be a small price to pay to get what you want.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Your sector of travel and new opportunities comes back into focus from today, and it may be no surprise if you hear from someone who lives a distance from you. They may be calling to invite you for a holiday visit or to have a chat, but you may find that it is fortuitous, as much could be talked about that leaves you upbeat. It seems this bond may be about to grow stronger.