Thoughtful Mercury in Cancer opposes powerbroker Pluto in Capricorn so our words could either wound or heal.
This may not be the best day to hold a sensitive conversation as feelings could escalate. Better to wait a few days. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 1st August 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 1st August 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Whatever takes place over coming days, can be enough to convince you that you were right to trust your instincts. As Mercury opposes potent Pluto, you may feel it is best to bide your time, especially if you clash on key issues with someone in authority. An intuitive nudge could now make perfect sense to you in the light of what you know Aries, and save you a lot of hassle.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The old ways could conflict with new ideas and approaches. If given a choice between relying on what you know works or opting for something different, it can be hard to decide. If you are tired of one situation seemingly repeating itself, then a fresh perspective might make all the difference. Any challenges you face Taurus, may be an encouragement to step outside your comfort zone.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
This could be a good time to explore an idea or opportunity that calls out to you, even if not in your usual line of interest. Though you may have other tasks and responsibilities that demand more focus, this might be far too valuable to leave alone Gemini. Yet if there is money involved, it is essential to read the small print so that you get the best deal possible.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
A strong desire for something nice can call out to you, and you may not be satisfied until you get it. It could be an item that makes you feel better or that enhances your image. It might also be a pampering session, a spa treatment with a friend or a healing massage that uplifts your mood. It's great to enjoy a treat, but an edgier aspect suggests an impulsive buy could leave you unsettled.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may be at your charismatic best and ready to grasp opportunities, but there might be something preventing you from moving ahead. It could be that you are stuck in a job that you don't like but can't give up, or that you have too much to do with no time for anything new, even if you do crave a challenge. It's time for some key decisions so you can begin to move forward.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
As expansive Jupiter ties with the dreamy energy of Neptune, this can be a call to be kind to yourself by fulfilling your own needs and doing what feels right for you. You may have made certain sacrifices to help others, but there is also the chance that you are tired of putting yourself last in the queue. This weekend, consider treating yourself as a way to unwind and recharge.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you're curious to know why a family member is acting out of character, it's best to ask them rather than dwell on why this might be. With eloquent Mercury opposing radical Pluto in your home zone, the answers you get could inspire further discussion and can pave the way for positive change. You may need to broach some uncomfortable issues, but it might clear the air.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may try hard to make something work that needs more time. Fiery Mars in dynamic Aries can inspire you to keep pushing, in the belief that you will overcome any obstacles to success. But with the red planet also angling towards Jupiter in its retro phase, this might need more time. If you curb impatience and are willing to go at a steady pace, rewards will come your way.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
You may seem in a bright and sunny mood on the surface, but deep-down intense feelings about something can mean it is hard to let this go. Other factors might indicate a conflict which could be down to a difference of opinion. If you begin to discuss this and get to the heart of the matter, things may untangle, but your horoscope suggests you might need to rise above any feelings of resentment first.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Is there someone you are keen to meet? If so, the presence of lively Mercury in intuitive Cancer can see you becoming more curious about what might unfold as a result. They may be very perceptive, so it could be best to be upfront about your intentions, as this way the relationship has the best chance of succeeding. If it a romantic bond Capricorn, it would be unwise to rush into it.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Guessing what someone is thinking is never easy, but the current blend of energies suggests that getting them to talk openly could also be difficult. The only way you might make any headway is asking key questions in a more subtle or oblique way. Coming at this matter from a completely different angle may well pave the way for discussion, and for some timely insights Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
This can be a great weekend for outings, especially to places you have never visited before. A lovely angle between the Moon and refreshing Uranus, hints that the more you involve others, the more fun you could have. It helps to be flexible and to expect the unexpected. With other edgy influences involved Pisces, staying calm might help you to navigate through minor ups and downs.