Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Saturday 19th September 2020

The Moon in Libra opposes fiery Mars retro which can be a point of tension and perhaps mild conflct.

Even though temporary feelings may bubble up and it is worth getting to the bottom of them as they may hinge around a disappointment. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 19th September 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 19th September 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With Aries being a fiery sign, you could view conflict as an opportunity to test your prowess, and it can bring out your competitive side. This might be the case today, when it seems that staying quiet is not an option. There is another way though, although it may mean a gentler approach. With the Moon opposing Mars retro, you could find that making listening a priority really works. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If something is causing frissons of fear, then you might find that facing up to this matter rather than steering clear, could be one way to tackle it. Is the same issue blocking you from leading a fulfilling life Taurus? You don't need to do this all at once, as taking baby steps can allow you to process through this slowly. If a life-coach or therapist proves necessary, do get their help.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you find yourself involved in intense conversations that go nowhere, then frustration could result. With energies opposing each other, a key issue may come to a head. If you can get a higher perspective on this, things might change for the better. Adopting a philosophical approach may not be easy, but the resulting solution could be more successful.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

No matter what other commitments you have ongoing, the cosmos positively encourages you to seize the moment, should you get another chance regarding a golden opportunity. You may need to rearrange a meeting or outing as a way to smooth things over Cancer, but with tense energies pushing you out of your comfort zone, this is no time to hold back as someone else could get it.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

In an awkward situation? You may need to take the initiative to resolve this matter. With lovely Venus continuing in your sign, there could even be some drama involved, especially if you need to get your point across. Yet your horoscope suggests that Mercury's presence in Libra can be a call to see both sides of this issue, and by doing so, to find a solution that works and that encourages co-operation Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

There may have been times recently when you've felt cut off from a certain person, and unable to communicate as you once did. If so Virgo, then it could be that something in your relationship has shifted, and that you no longer see eye-to-eye on various matters. This can also be a call to reboot your connection with a heartfelt talk, although doing so might take you out of your comfort zone.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Someone's relationship may be moving through choppy waters. Even though it has nothing to do with you, you might still be affected by this issue if it's causing an unhealthy atmosphere. Could you use your diplomatic skills to bring a sense of proportion into this matter Libra? If asked for your input, your impartial approach may bring some much-needed insights.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With Jupiter continuing to forge a positive tie with idealistic Neptune in your sector of romance and creativity, it can be very healing to get some down time Scorpio. Whether you opt for a short break or a quiet retreat, it could do you the world of good. If you should feel frustrated by a tense work situation, then relaxing in peaceful surroundings might allow any knots to unravel.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

What you focus on will amplify, Archer. Today can either find you grappling with an awkward financial scenario, or spending time with someone whose company you relish, putting other matters in the shade. Still, as Mars retro angles towards sobering Saturn, self-doubts may surface, and understanding why this might be could be crucial to progress around money and romance.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

As clever Mercury continues its journey through a more prominent sector, you may have a lot on your plate and be keen to make connections that further your plans and goals. But to be as effective as possible, you'll also need to nurture yourself. The coming days can coincide with some serious conversations, so making sure that you feel in tip-top condition will help a lot.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

You may feel a powerful urge to share something that has been on your mind for some time. Finding a friend and talking it over could bring relief. In practice, it might be wise to choose who you discuss this with, with some care. Someone with good listening skills and confidence in your abilities can leave you positive and upbeat, while their support may be a catalyst for change.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The focus on a more sensitive sector is emphasized, as the Moon aligns with reasoning Mercury. This aspect suggests you may become more aware of, and perhaps keen to discuss, any issues that are linked to deep-seated emotions. You could try to sort this out yourself Pisces, but linking up with a trusted friend might bring in new perspectives and ah-ha moments that transform you.

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