Mars retro in Gemini forges an edgy angle with muddled Neptune in Pisces, so even if we feel annoyed we won't want to rock the boat.
Despite trying to hide our feelings our frustration or anger could reveal itself anyway. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 19th November 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 19th November 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Your enthusiasm to seek out new experiences, to travel and make new discoveries, could be affected by the sleepy Mars/Neptune angle, leaving you feeling deflated and lacking in energy. With Mars in its rewind phase, you may struggle to see the point of what you're doing. This can last for a few days before you start to feel yourself again. Need to rest? Make a point of it, Aries.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
What you really want is support, but under today's nebulous sky, others may seem spacy and unreliable. They could promise the earth, but don't depend on them delivering it. If you're hoping they can provide some feel-good factor, then it might not happen. Instead, use this time to invest in yourself. If you need a massage or spa-treatment, go for it. You'll soon feel better.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Mars in reverse in your sign squares off with Neptune, so things may not go as planned, Gemini. Hoping to make a great impression on someone? It could fall flat, even if you've put a lot of effort into getting things perfect. You can always try again in a few days. By that time there'll be less chance of misunderstandings, and more chance that your message will be loud and clear.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your imagination might take you down some murky corridors, as a dubious Mars/Neptune angle could put thoughts into your head which simply aren't true. Your perspective on a situation may be distorted, so don't base important decisions on your thinking at this time. It's also possible that you'll tell a little white lie to prevent a situation escalating that may lead to a confrontation.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Who can you trust, Leo? Someone may seem to be hitting all the right notes and appear impressive, but if you get a gut feeling that something's not right, then listen. You might want to hold back from telling them anything personal or sensitive. They could be honest, but let something slip to the very person you don't want to know your business. Keep it to yourself!
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Career plans may be up in the air, due to fiery Mars in its retro phase causing delays. But you might also face doubts about something you were very enthusiastic about. If things seem to be going downhill, you can consider giving up. Wait Virgo, especially if this is a long-term project. Take a detached view, as this could help you see what's wrong and remedy it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Something you've been working towards could hit a snag, and you may be uncertain what to do about it. Practical action might be impossible under the current dreamy Mars/Neptune aspect, so forget about the details for now. What can help is stepping aback and seeing the bigger picture. Once you understand where you're going and why, you'll soon get back on track.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Mixed messages could be an issue, if you can't fathom someone's intentions, Scorpio. You may try asking a few searching questions, but the replies will be evasive at best. And this can just as easily apply to a romantic scenario as to a business encounter. If they aren't prepared to give you an honest answer, back off! There are plenty more people out there who'll make a better match.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Someone might disappoint you or let you down, and the outcome may be that you feel hurt by their actions. And whereas you would normally let them know how you feel in your usual blunt fashion, you'll likely feel too vulnerable to say anything much. If you need to cry, let it all out, Archer. There's a chance that there's backlog of tears waiting to be shed. It will be a relief.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Muddled thinking and too many distractions, could mean that your to-do list doesn't even see the light of day. You are usually good at keeping up with your responsibilities, but your horoscope suggests you may prefer taking it easy rather than making a start. You won't be hot on the details either, which might only add to any issues. Taking in a book or great movie can be a better idea.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
It may be hard to control your spending, as Mars in your pleasure zone faces-off with misty Neptune. Money could flow through your fingers, and you might easily splurge on something that seems like a great idea at the time. Keep receipts, as at least you'll have a chance to return it if you feel the need. A walk or workout would be a much better way to channel any restlessness.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It's wise not to attempt any DIY jobs, even those that are supposed to be easy. Mars retro and its angle to Neptune in your sign, hints that a lapse in concentration means it could so easily go wrong. You may be better off with more harmless pursuits, such as escaping into a novel, going to an art exhibition, or enjoying a movie or a concert. Leave the hard work for another day.