The Moon passes over first Jupiter and then Venus today in the sign of Leo. The "warming up" that I spoke of yesterday can become much more obvious today with these influences. And with it being the weekend. It's an opportunity to be more sociable and more optimistic.
The moon passing over these two planets and in this zodiac sign can also create an awful lot of generosity. Any acts of kindness is always a good thing, the just simple gestures and thoughtfulness to really help the day to go well. But if you can get together with the people in your world, who are more sociable and fun loving, and enjoy the good things in life, then, do. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 18th July 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Although family issues may demand time and concentration, the tensions of the past few days seem to be easing, making it easier to relax. The Moon in Leo and its links to Jupiter and Uranus are perfect for lively leisure options and general fun. In addition, Venus's move into Virgo might encourage healthier habits.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Touch base with old friends today when the urge to reminisce, share thoughts and catch up on news can be rewarding. And, even though you may need to be firm regarding an administrative matter, you'll have the energy to tackle the day's agenda with aplomb. Later, a friendly get-together can top off your Saturday, perfectly.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
While you might need to keep a careful eye on finances Gemini, the urgency of previous days seems to have diminished, making this a good time to consolidate your position. Still, there's plenty to keep you occupied in the social sense, and lively stars suggest fun with friends over a meal or enjoying some rustic delights. {copytag:[560]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Although compromise and understanding may be called for, you'll likely find an edgy situation seems to have blown over, and it may be because you and another have agreed to disagree. However, Venus's move into Virgo hints at a social event with an interesting twist, as a new friend could have timely advice.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Although you might appreciate some time to yourself, you may have to snatch a few minutes here and there as things look to be hectic. And the Moon in your sign and its link to Jupiter suggests that once you get going you'll likely get swept up in the day's activities. Your will power could also be tested with small luxuries tempting.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
After recent events you may be looking forward to a fun day and some light relief. Rather than plan your schedule, you might have more luck if you ease off the accelerator and go with the flow. Later, as Venus moves into your sign, it could spark ideas about your appearance and a desire to enhance it in some way.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Your tact and natural diplomacy can be of help in an awkward situation, although today certainly seems fairly upbeat with the potential for some pleasant social events. A Moon Uranus connection suggests you expect the unexpected, as a pleasant surprise might await you in the form of a super invite or special date.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Imaginative solutions can be a help in resolving home-based issues, so don't dismiss ideas that may seem novel or even cutting edge, as these are most likely to work. However, it may be better to avoid getting involved in gritty problems associated with your local area. It could all get too heated to be very good for you.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Even if financial affairs have been unsettling, things can seem lighter and brighter now. Delightful lunar links encourage you to take time for a trip and a chance to see new sights. Meanwhile, Venus in Virgo hints at an opportunity to connect with people who share your ambitions and who can offer constructive advice.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A lively exchange of ideas can lead to inspired action, particularly when it comes to handling money matters. However, it might pay to check a few things out before you invest in an opportunity or major purchase. In addition, you'll benefit from a walk in beautiful surroundings as a way to unwind and feel better.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
An escape from routine could seem a very attractive option, especially if you've been handling a lot of pressure lately. Make this a day when you take time out and perhaps pamper yourself a little. Later, the Leo Moon and its link to Uranus hints at a surprise, yet in this instance it's something you can feel good about.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
It could be difficult to reach an agreement if you're ready to make a bold move and someone close to you suggests being more cautious and conservative. However, you may be best to work out a compromise to avoid reaching a stalemate. As Venus dances into Virgo, all sorts of ties can become more harmonious now.