The Moon has sparkle added by Uranus today, but with its squares to planets in Virgo, we need to avoid making pledges without careful thought, for we may regret them.
However this could be a day when we can enjoy a change of scene or routine and embracing something different and more unusual. Determination and will power are unlikely to be in short supply either, but do under promise and over deliver. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 17th October 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Although you may be enthusiastic and keen to bring your plans to a successful conclusion, care is likely needed. Today's Venus Neptune connection hints that signing agreements without reading them or depending on someone's promise may be a mistake. If you want to get ahead, check everything's in order first of all.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The urge for accomplishment can be strong, infusing you with a certain competitive streak, which can see you making the most of the day to pursue a passion or to work on a creative project. Your commitment is commendable, so much so that others may be only too willing to let you take charge while they follow your lead.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Although you can make progress, you might feel frustrated with others or they with you, especially if they look to block your initiative or interfere with your plans. Even so, the Mars Jupiter link suggests your best option may be to focus on tasks that are satisfying, easy to complete and which don't require too much interaction. {copytag:[611]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
In spite of social pressures to join in with events, you'll likely be more in the mood to please yourself – and may end up opting to take it easy. Even so, relaxing could mean studying a topic or subject that you're currently enthralled with, engrossing yourself in the latest bestseller, or researching an idea that appeals at a deeper level.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Maintaining peace of mind could depend in part on keeping an eye on finances and making sure that you don't spend more than is necessary. The present focus suggests a more positive use of your money might be to invest in a course of study or even a makeover to boost your image and enhance your confidence in general.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A Venus Neptune opposition suggests the appeal of a certain person might prove tempting as romance smoulders with emotional and physical intensity – but will this be for real? Don't be too gung ho. More prosaically, while you may have tasks to attend to this needn't be dull and one in particular can be a test of skill or craft.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If you have a chance to stay on the sidelines, use this as an opportunity to tidy up the details of a project you've been quietly working on – and to reflect on how you can improve it. Key relationships depend on support and understanding. Your natural talent for listening can stand you in good stead, and be appreciated too.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
An alluring Venus Neptune tie-up could be the reason you're tempted to give into an obsession or an addiction to certain kinds of food or drink. If you're trying to keep an eye on your figure, the day ahead could prove difficult especially if you're invited to a party. If you give in, you may resolve to do so, just fleetingly so!
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The Moon makes lively links to Mars and Uranus, which can see you moving out of your comfort zone and keen to explore opportunities that promise adventure and excitement. However, this restless energy is counterbalanced by a dutiful Virgo focus, meaning you'll feel better if you attend to any responsibilities first.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A need to analyze can see you rethinking plans, checking details or going over work that you've already completed. The tendency towards perfectionism may be a feature of the present influences and is very commendable. However, if it leaves you feeling too self-conscious, try relaxing your grip and going with the flow.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Creative inspiration can help you accomplish a worthwhile objective. Nevertheless, you may find yourself swinging between making productive use of the hours ahead and wanting to experience new sights, sounds and opportunities that can recharge your batteries and bolster your mood. Perhaps the latter is preferable.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The stunning Venus Neptune opposition can encourage spiritual feelings and perspectives. It can also see people be evasive and deceptive. If you're talking with someone, stay aware that not everyone may have your best interests at heart. Look to let your intuition guide you, but someone's charm can be persuasive.