Horoscopes Saturday 17th March 2018

Today's New Moon in Pisces can be a chance for a fresh start, bringing an opportunity to bring an outdated aspect of our life to a close.

We can then move ahead with a new focus and fresh intentions when we feel ready to do so. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 17th March 2018 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 17th March 2018

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Today's New Moon in a secluded sector can bring an opportunity to commit to a spiritual practice such as yoga or meditation, or to consider writing down your dreams if this appeals to you. But as much as the cosmic picture draws you to reflect on life, it also encourages you into the limelight to showcase your skills Aries, as Mars your ruler moves into the ambitious sign of Capricorn. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

If the past few weeks have seemed intense Taurus, then this may be about to change as fiery Mars leaves a more emotional sector of your chart and moves into your zone of far horizons. Over the coming weeks, you may be keen to seek out new opportunities or to travel. You may also find that following a desire for something different can bring new connections your way.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

You may wonder whether to take an opportunity further, especially if it might help you with a personal ambition. At the same time, the question of whether you are qualified enough to do this might also arise. However, another planetary shift taking place from today could gift you with greater willpower and determination. If you set your mind to this, then your horoscope suggests you may do very well.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Something exciting could capture your interest this weekend, and could lead you to explore a hobby or perhaps to take a course. Whatever you begin now could encourage you in a direction that opens new doors over the coming weeks and months. In addition, the movement of Mars into your relationship zone, can see you purposely forging new and helpful associations.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Just when it might seem that you can't get any busier, a planetary shift can see you taking on more. However, the key word that might help you more than anything is discrimination. Any tasks that can help you make progress with your plans can be good. Even better, can be to reorganize your schedule so that you work smarter rather than harder, leaving you less hassled.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Today's New Moon in your sector of relating can take a key bond to a new level, and one that might be more authentic. As this lunar phase also ties in with a sensitive point, it is possible that a heart-to-heart conversation could pave the way for a deeper trust or a willingness to let down barriers. This may not be easy, but the rewards can be very positive if you feel moved to do this.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Although an idea involving another can seem to be going well, it may help to take things slowly and not to commit to anything just yet. With expressive Mercury beginning to slow prior to turning retrograde next week, taking things one step at a time can be more helpful. On another note, a New Moon in your lifestyle zone can be a call to reorganize your daily routines Libra.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With a powerful lunar phase occurring in your leisure sector, a creative project or budding relationship could reach a crucial phase. This may be the time to decide the direction you want to take. However, communication can be key to making the right decision. And with Mars your co-ruler entering your sector of talk and thought from today, there may be plenty to discuss.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The coming days can see you changing tack regarding a matter on the home front. And it may be that you are moving more towards listening to your feelings rather than to what others have to say on the matter. While their input is important, you may find that tuning into your instincts can help you to know what to do and say to improve matters, and to allow things to gradually resolve.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Dynamic Mars moves into your sign from today for a six week stay, and this may coincide with a rise in energy levels. As it enters your sign, it might arrive clothed in dreams and imaginative ideas gathered as it journeyed through a more secluded zone. Don't be surprised if you're seized with enthusiasm, especially if you can see how you might make one very exciting idea a reality.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A decision regarding a purchase or a financial matter may be necessary over coming days, and it might involve investing in something that can make a positive difference to your future. Still, you can feel uncertain about whether to go ahead, which is why sharing your thoughts with someone you trust could be so helpful. You may just need this vote of confidence to get moving.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A New Moon in your sign today can be the best of the year for you, as it enables you to get ahead with ideas and opportunities that may have been on the back-burner. This can be especially exciting, as you will have the support of the moon tide to help you take those first steps. And whatever you hope to accomplish Pisces, following your intuition could help get you there.