As the Moon in Sagittarius aligns with feisty Mars we may be ready to move out of our comfort zone and do something more adventurous.
In connecting with others we could be very open and honest, perhaps even too much, which may be something to consider. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 15th September 2018 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 15th September 2018
Aries 21 March – 20 April
With key planets aligned harmoniously, worldly goals may be an important part of your schedule, and something you have given a lot of attention to lately. This phase continues over coming days and might see you focusing on your work or a personal ambition, even if you need a break. Enjoying time out with those you're closest to could make you more productive though. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Taking a wide-angled perspective on a relationship or a budding romance, might help you see the bigger picture and this could be crucial if you're to have faith in the future. The days ahead bring positive energies to bear on your love life and social life, and yet a side of you may entertain some niggling doubts. Taking things one step at a time could greatly increase your confidence.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Things may seem to be ticking over on the surface, but your horoscope suggests that beneath this, destiny may be pulling a few strings that could be helpful to you. While you might often navigate by logic, it can pay to listen to any intuitive nudges or coincidences that stand out for you, as these could come from a deeper place that is moving you towards new positive relationships and golden opportunities.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your relationships can be intense and inspirational, depending on who you are with at the time. But this weekend, it can be the more compelling bond that captures your attention. There is a sense here that you may defer to this person rather than seeing them as an equal, which could interfere with the easy flow of the relationship unless you take some of your power back.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
As Mars moves deeper into your sector of relating, be mindful of promises you have made and people you need to see. Think this through first though Leo, as not everything is urgent. If you consider your priorities against those of other people, then there may be something you need to do for yourself first that is more urgent. Once out of the way, you can tend to others' needs.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The pace of life can speed up over coming days, as expressive Mercury your personal planet, aligns with expansive Jupiter. You might want to give your all, and yet there is little point in overdoing it. Opportunities for fun and enjoyment are also on the astral cards this weekend, and you might want to take advantage, as it may be futile to achieve something if you can't then enjoy it.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Cosmic conditions suggest that now is the time to be dynamic and do something you may have been dreaming of for some time. With fiery Mars in a proactive zone, the cogs may already be in motion as you contemplate your next steps. And contemplation is the key, as rushing in alone could dissipate your energy, whereas asking for help might make it faster and more fun.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may feel you are being pushed into making changes that you secretly might not approve of. However, if the reason for this is that you didn't think of them yourself, then this likely won't help. If you give your support and work to bring them about, you stand to benefit in more ways than one Scorpio. Does it really matter who came up with the idea, as long as it gets results?
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
With soothing Venus and cosmic Jupiter in a secluded sector, you may feel an inner confidence and assurance that doesn't have anything to do with outer circumstances. Whether life is on the up or you are facing a challenge, these positive influences can give you the faith that all is well, and that you can handle whatever life brings. You may well prove this to yourself too.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Someone may have your best interests at heart Capricorn, but with elusive Neptune in your sector of communication, you may want to shield your plans from them, at least for now. They may not be able to help you if you do this though. Giving them the facts means they are in a better position to advise you and for the outcome to be as successful as it can be.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you want something enough, then your persistent nature suggests you will likely continue until you get it. But there may be an easier way to reach your goal, and that is by encouraging others on board. There is only so much you can do yourself, so results may be limited. Inviting some help could transform the outlook from possible to highly probable, and make it easier on you too.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If aspects of your life have become rather routine, planetary forces can inspire you to seek inspiration by getting away from it all if possible. A chance to steep yourself in different surroundings that are uplifting can be a wonderful restorative. If you can only take off for a few hours or a day or so, this can be enough to enable a fresh perspective and a desire for change.