The Moon in Cancer aligns with Jupiter in Pisces which can leave us feeling emotionally buoyant and at ease with life.
Being in a generous and warm-hearted mood we'll be willing to offer support to anyone who needs it. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 15th January 2022 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 15th January 2022
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The determined look you have about you, tells everyone all they need to know. You may be on a mission this weekend, and nothing or no-one will stop you. A potent aspect suggests you're ready to give it your all and more. If you don't manage to make headway now, then what? This might get put on the backburner. But, if it does, you'll still be figuring out how to make it a success.{copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
An idea or even an attraction to someone, can gain in intensity, meaning you could find it hard to focus on anything else. Everything may seem so very urgent, especially if you aren't sure what will happen next. Yet even if matters don't pan out exactly as you hoped, other influences might see you ready to take control of your destiny. While doubts are natural, you can overcome them.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Want someone to support you, Gemini? If so, it could be difficult unless what you are offering truly appeals. If you can point out what is in it for them, it might help your cause. The Sun's link to Pluto hints that if they can see the benefits, they'll be more likely to listen. Ready to be more adventurous? The upbeat Moon/Jupiter tie may spur you on to discover your true potential.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
The coming days can be crucial to the further progress of a project or personal plan. In some ways, it may seem others have the upper hand. This isn't true though, as your input could inspire them in a positive way. If you boldly share your ideas, you might find others eager to get involved. And if you can all work together to pull it off, you'll have done something really good.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Have a lot on, Leo? If so, you'll benefit from getting others on board, especially if there are deadlines to meet. The extra help can take the pressure off. With the Sun and Pluto entangled in your lifestyle sector, your horoscope reveals that by investing in yourself you will get more done. Therefore, don't neglect to eat well, get enough rest and take some time out for self-care.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You mean business today Virgo, even if what you are doing is fun. Whatever you set your mind to can be an intense experience, and you'll be ready to plumb the depths and squeeze out every ounce of enjoyment. Something you are involved with could have an impact on you, changing your perspective. It might be an encounter, or an experience that you won't forget in a hurry.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Should you talk about an issue you have with someone, or keep it to yourself for now? The benefits of either course of action could seem equally valid, making it difficult to decide your next move. Yet with the Sun aligned with Pluto, you may be on the defensive, and too uncertain to do anything. Wait until you are more confident and are ready to speak your mind.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Potent energies in your sector of communication, encourage you to make the first move concerning a collaboration or a creative project. Get talking this weekend, and you'll be able to take advantage of these in-depth influences to move things along. Ready to cement a romantic bond? Tread lightly Scorpio, otherwise you may appear too intense. Easy does it at this stage.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
The desire to ramp-up your income could reach new heights, and find you seeking out ways to make this happen. You'll be prepared to dig deep to find answers. The solution might not lie outside, but inside in your store of skills and abilities, some of which may have been neglected. Take a closer look Archer, as there is something there that can turn out to be a real treasure.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You may be keen to join a group or club that enables you to liaise with kindred spirits. This is when a new relationship could flourish, based on a mutual attraction and a desire to get to know each other better. If this person is in a position of influence, you'll be even more keen to take things further. You thrive on such associations, and are good at nurturing them, Capricorn.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While Mercury's retro phase may be bothersome, it can also be a good time to break a habit or interrupt a pattern that isn't helping you. While this won't happen overnight, you'll find that over the coming week or so, your natural tendency could weaken if you put in the effort. Plus, dreams may be intense and vivid, with one of them giving you fresh insights and bold ideas, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Friends may be very keen for you to support them. And while you can see the benefits in their suggestions, only do so if you aren't going to be drawn into anything too exhausting. If this is going to take too much time, then either discuss it or refuse. Even so, the coming days can see a key influence bringing new contacts, opportunities, and an intense but useful encounter, Pisces.