Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Saturday 15th August 2020

Innovative Uranus turns retrograde from today in the sign of Taurus, which can slow down the pace of change.

We may prefer to think things through or to look before before we leap, which could lessen the chance of making a mistake. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 15th August 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 15th August 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Put responsibilities aside this weekend, and make a point of enjoying yourself Aries. If you've had a busy and pressured week, then let it all go for now and get into relaxation mode. A lovely link between the Moon and Venus is perfect for homely activities such as baking, decorating and some self-care. Experiencing issues with family? This soothing planet can help ease matters. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Revolutionary Uranus will turn retrograde in your sign today until early next year, which can have a subtle but powerful influence on your actions and decisions. If you have made a lot of changes in your life over recent months, this is the time to evaluate them and consider how they have served you. If you have gone too far in one direction, it may be time to adjust your strategy.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The Moon in your money zone and its link to Venus calls for careful spending, especially if you are feeling a tad emotional. While you are at it, this can be an excellent opportunity to cut back on mindless expenses that could see you richer if you give them up. If security issues have been on your mind, then it might be time for a deeper dive and a budget that gives you control.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you feel at peace with yourself and your peccadilloes, then it may be because the Moon in your sign aligns with Venus, encouraging an outbreak of self-love. If you haven't done anything nice in a while, use this opportunity to relish a few treats and just be kinder to yourself overall. Still, a tie to electric Uranus as it rewinds, could bring someone refreshing and unique back into your life.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Whatever has been going on this week Leo, the Moon in a secluded zone encourages you to kick back and take time to recharge. If you've wanted to finish a novel or catch up on your favourite series, make time to do so. You'll thank yourself for it. Regarding career plans? With restless Uranus going into reverse, you may want to increase your unique contribution to a project, Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Linking up with others on your wavelength can be comforting and reassuring, as the Moon in your social sector encourages you to mingle. An alignment with lovely Venus hints at heartfelt and healing conversations, if you need to get something off your chest. As Uranus goes direct from today Virgo, it may be time to hone a skill that could be useful in the future.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Dress to impress this weekend Libra, as you may be in the spotlight, especially as the Moon aligns with delectable Venus, encouraging you to use your natural charm to the max. Want to make a good impression? A gracious approach and a willingness to listen can help. A more subtle shift could encourage you to work through emotional blockages that have held you back.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With a focus on the topmost sector of your chart, this is the time to enhance your image and showcase your best side to the world. Have skills and talents that could be in demand? Upgrade your CV, and if you have an interview over coming days, be confident. Need to get away from it all? A trip to a place with a soothing and relaxing vibe could leave you recharged and happier.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

While you may be ready for new adventures, the Moon in an emotional zone can be a call to acknowledge your feelings and talk them over with someone, if necessary. Just doing this one thing could leave you lighter and happier, and eager to make the most of the day. If you are setting off on a trip or going on a long hike, your horoscope suggests you'll feel the benefit of taking time out to unwind Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Keen to get closer to someone? Today's positive Moon/Venus alignment focuses on your listening skills, and your ability to draw people out of themselves. A conversation with someone you admire, could yield gold in that you may find you have more in common than you realize. Plus, on the leisure front, you might rediscover an activity at which you once excelled, Capricorn.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Uranus your guide planet turns retrograde from today until early next year in your home and family sector, which might slow the pace of change. If you sense that something needs to shift but haven't yet decided what, you could start with some decluttering. This may make quite a difference to the amount of space you have available, and give you more mental clarity too.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

This weekend has a distinctly romantic quality. You may be keen to get away with your partner for a relaxing break or to involve yourself in activities and events with others who share your interests. As the Moon syncs with sultry Venus, you and another could hit it off almost immediately and feel good in each other's company. Ready to do this again Pisces? Go for it!

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