Horoscopes Saturday 14th September 2019

This can be a particularly dreamy day with a Full Moon in Pisces and feisty Mars opposing ethereal Neptune.

It can be hard to focus. And it is wise not to commit to anything that may be costly as our discimination may not be at its best.  For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 14th September 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Saturday 14th September 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Today's ethereal Full Moon in a secluded area, for you personally could focus attention on subtle and spiritual issues, and might bring vivid dreams too. If you have the opportunity, this can be an excellent time for reflection and for drawing on creative inspiration for key projects and solutions to any issues. Feel a dip in energy? A soporific Mars/Neptune link suggests you pace yourself. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Although you likely intend to make full use of your leisure time, a social event that sweeps you off your feet could take precedence. An encounter may be mesmerizing, especially if you feel attracted to this person. There could be romantic overtones too, and these may be particularly enticing. Find out a little more first though Taurus, before you commit to a deeper involvement.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

A matter concerning a personal goal or ambition could come to a head and inspire a range of emotions. You may have reached a turning point Gemini, and might need to decide whether you should continue further or be content with all you've accomplished so far. Ready to indulge a potential romance? As Mercury and Venus enter Libra, a flirtatious quality can assist with this.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With a Full Moon in your travel zone your imagination can soar, with a yearning to get away from it all and to enjoy a restful vacation. And although practical matters can draw you back to reality, this can be something to aim for. Another dreamy aspect suggests a reluctance to get on with key tasks. An inspiring book or outing to an exhibition or concert may be a good substitute.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Sometimes it is difficult to realize the true value of something unless we lose it and no longer have access to it. This could be the case, as a mysterious and ethereal blend of energies could cause an item to vanish out of sight. Wait though, as it could well show up again in a few days. Ready to socialize? A convivial vibe can see you keen to reach out and enjoy mingling.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Hazy influences, including a potent lunar phase in your relationship zone, can make it difficult to get much done. You may have the best of intentions, but if someone makes a suggestion you might cave in and go with it. Would this be such a bad thing? After a time of intense busyness, it could be quite pleasant to drift along and let others make some of the decisions for a change.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

Today's Full Moon could see you making a personal sacrifice to help someone out. And while you may be enthusiastic, it is possible you might take on too much. Be kind, but consider doing less to avoid becoming overwhelmed. With Mercury and Venus your guide planet, entering your sign from today though,your horoscope suggests it's time to focus on yourself and consider what's best for you.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

It can be very easy to fall under someone's spell over coming days, as a potent influence could prove seductive. Whether you are romantically inclined towards this person or drawn to them for other reasons, they can seem to exert a hold over you. And while they may have good intentions towards you, it may be just as well to keep your wits about you for the time being.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

The atmosphere on the home front could be somewhat emotional, so it might help to stand back from any dramas that occur rather than getting too involved. This can be beneficial if a decision is needed, as you are more likely to choose the better option than to overreact to whatever is going on. In need of a respite? An upbeat influence encourages you to seek out good company.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Although there are other influences in play, today's Full Moon in your sector of communication could have a way of amplifying feelings and bringing them out into the open. The way you express them could be key to getting a positive response and keeping things on an even keel. Sticking with the facts could be crucial here, as this lunar phase can easily confuse and distort.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Just be conscious that an altruistic mood could see you giving away money or time for a good cause, but with a tendency to perhaps overdo it. Consider first what is truly affordable and stick with that Aquarius. Eager to travel? From today, a desire for new places and experiences could inspire you to look for a suitable deal. Equally, cultural activities can bring much pleasure too.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

The Full Moon in your sign hints that even casual conversations might arouse emotions. Whatever you are discussing, from trivial to consequential, could stir feelings and bring them to the surface, and you may find yourself on a rollercoaster in this regard. Feel more vulnerable than usual? Relaxing in upbeat company or engaging in absorbing pastimes can help.