Mercury and Venus have been forging a superb angle all week, and along with the conjunction between the Sun and Mars, this has brought a very light and sociable vibe to bear. With the weekend here now, use this combination to full effect.
With the Moon also in the earthy Taurus forging a brilliant link to Pluto, not only can there be cheerful exchanges, but also meaningful ones too. This could lead to some heartfelt conversations. For your FREE Daily Horoscope 13th June 2015 please read below…
Daily Horoscopes
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Friends and associates seem eager to support you and cheer you on – perhaps reminding you that those special people in your life are worth their weight in gold. Meanwhile, you'll be keen to set off in search of pleasurable diversions, especially if you've had a busy week. Get ready too, as a surprise invite may be on the cards.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
The Moon in your sign syncs with nebulous Neptune, so you'll enjoy the chance to relax in good company and catch up on the latest news. Even so, feelings may be enlivened by a significant other, as today's Pluto link can bring out your passionate side. Wondering whether to take things further? Listen to your heart.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
A Sun Mars link encourages a ferment of ideas and possibilities that could all seem equally enticing. Meanwhile, the people you connect with will likely chip in with their own thoughts, giving you plenty to mull over. Hold fire for now though, as an upcoming fortunate alignment might soon provide a truly golden opportunity. {copytag:[560]:copytag}
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If you're restless and can't settle to anything solid, you might benefit from a walk and a chance to unwind. Then again, even some housework or shopping could burn off a fair bit of excess energy leaving you with a sense of achievement too, particularly if you've struggled with procrastination and have felt guilty about it.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
There's plenty to keep you busy, which likely will include promises you've made and forgotten about. You could find yourself in a spin as a result and scrambling for a good excuse. However, friends seem inclined to laugh off your forgetfulness, which means you'll have more time to devote to a budding friendship.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
A friend may be a source of practical information, particularly if it seems you're getting nowhere regarding an ambition. Mind, today's stars suggest that maybe you're being a little harsh. Perhaps it's not more facts that you need, but someone to persuade you that you already have all the skills necessary to succeed.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Interaction and communication are under the spotlight, encouraging you to involve others in your latest plans and projects. And if you're organizing or attending a special event, Jupiter's ongoing presence in Leo hints that it should be both successful and memorable. However, to get the most out of today, do remember to relax.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Sometimes a kind word is all that's needed to reassure and help you feel better. Indeed today, it seems that a friend may have your best interests at heart when they pay you a compliment or make a point of boosting your mood. Ignore negative people and keep good company, as you'll benefit from all the support offered.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Sociable trends may keep you busy and involved in some interesting events and projects. However, it's best not to pile too much pressure on yourself, even though you'd love to help out as much as possible. With Saturn about to leave your sign, this may be a call to reduce your schedule and enjoy more free time.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
You'll appreciate the kindness of a dear friend, particularly if your conversation touches on matters that you need to get off your chest. However, as the day progresses you might prefer to take a break and attend to more pleasurable pursuits. Reconnecting to a hobby you excelled at previously may be one of them.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
A charming confidence can encourage you to step into the limelight, especially if you have a little fun planned. Plus, the Gemini Sun and its lively influences might push you to share your love of quirky yet fun opportunities with another. Together, you may decide to embrace a challenge that brings out the best in you.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Things may well fizz on the home front with plenty of comings and goings, unexpected guests and friends popping in for a coffee and a chat. If you intended to get certain things done it may be best to set them aside for another day. This one is very much about spending time with the people who make your heart sing.