Saturn the planet of structure and discipline flips forward from today after being retrograde for many months.
As a result of this, we could gain insight into why areas of our lives might not be working out as well as they could, and can now take action to remedy this. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 13th August 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 13th August 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
As Saturn now pushes forward in your sector of far horizons, a more subtle yet positive change will emerge. With Mars, your ruler, in this same zone, you can experience a renewed optimism about your life, adding to recent momentum and especially around something different. Anything of a legalistic or contractual nature can also now be finally resolved for you. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If your financial situation has seemed to have trodden water, perhaps around shared resources and assets, then things can now begin to pick up. In fact, even if a complex situation has left you downcast, Saturn's forward motion can signal a change of heart. If you felt that you were fighting a lost cause, then over coming weeks you could soon feel far more hopeful.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Stirring activity in your sector of relating might have put you in the position of needing to make a decision. In this regard, you may have wondered who to trust or who is most worthy of your support. Although recent conversations may have helped clarify issues to an extent, when it comes to a particularly important matter, a more solid situation can now shape up for you.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Although you may have experienced obstacles to some of your plans over recent months, the last week or so may have been particularly frustrating. If you felt ready to turn your back on a key idea, then it may be wise to hang on for a while. With Saturn going forwards now, new information or fresh impetus can see you pushing aside festering objections and going for it.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Should money really be the leading factor concerning a creative project? If it's something that's important to you then perhaps it should not. Although you may have battled with various frustrations over past months, fresh opportunities to make this work may already be on the cards. Moreover, if you move gradually Leo, you might be able to regulate any temptations.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Things can take a new turn from today in the domestic arena. With the influence of Mars stirring up this area, Saturn's forward motion might help you bring about necessary changes within a stable framework. Your horoscope hints that someone who has proved somewhat difficult lately may also alter their tune. It might not happen right away, but could well do so over the week ahead.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
A fresh perspective might make a big difference to an issue you've been looking to resolve. In fact, the present picture suggests that a conversation, inspirational book or uplifting movie may be a catalyst for psychological patterns within you to shift. As a result, you might adopt a differing more helpful outlook, and allow a situation to change for the better, Libra.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may realise something over the next few weeks that helps you appreciate your true worth. If Saturn's ongoing connection to Neptune has left you with lingering doubts about your abilities or purpose, this could alter. As Saturn goes direct from now Scorpio, it can coincide with an event or conversation that helps you understand how valuable your contribution really is.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Recent months may have presented you with one or two obstacles that have slowed progress. However, they could also have tested your fortitude. You may have realised what is really important to you and what is not, Archer. Now, with Saturn pushing forward in your sign from today, you could soon feel more in control and perhaps more willing to exert control.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
A personal issue may have encouraged a great deal of reflection over recent months. However, with Mars moving forward in your psychological sector and Saturn dancing ahead there too, use these insights to good effect. An event may push you to re-evaluate your position on this sensitive matter, and this could be crucial to being able to deepen your understanding.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If a person or organisation has seemed to thwart your every move, especially over previous months, then something may happen which changes everything. A key player may change their viewpoint and decide to align themselves with your perspective. Either way, if you've felt drained by this person or body in the past, you might soon feel more self-assured, Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
If you've had doubts about an ambition or idea of yours then you may have lost faith, especially if others' remarks have added to your concerns. However, with Mars again marching through your sector of goals, you could find yourself with a more devil may care attitude. Your investment and hard work in the background for some-while can now gain greater recognition.