The Moon in Scorpio mergers with voluptuous Venus making this a day when passionate feelings can override our inhibitions.
We may be compelled to take action concerning something we greatly desire and sooner rather than later. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Saturday 12th December 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Saturday 12th December 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
It doesn't matter how determined you are when it comes to reaching a goal, you could still find it difficult to make the headway you need to. As Jupiter and Saturn align, you may find yourself travelling slower than usual and having to be more thorough. But little by little, you can make progress. Still, a restless streak might find you eager for some fresh adventures this weekend.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A friend or loved one could restore your faith in human nature, and leave you feeling so much better, especially if you have been on the receiving end of criticism. If there was a misunderstanding, try not to take it personally, just let it go. The Sun's link with Mars suggests you have far better things to do with your time and energy than worry about such matters.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
It could be tempting to put off doing something important because you don't feel like it, Gemini. As expressive Mercury your ruler aligns with nebulous Neptune, over coming days any ambitions to accomplish something worthwhile might dip, leaving you feeling fairly complacent. But if you were to hear or read some motivational words, your enthusiasm may then be quickly reignited.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Key beliefs may have stood you in good stead for a long time, and be a source of comfort. Are they as helpful as they were though, especially as they relate to your present issue? Though you can be keen to resolve a matter, using old strategies likely won't get you as far as those that take into account your current plans, which might require you to think big and leave your comfort zone.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With the Sun and Mercury in your leisure sector, there are opportunities open to you for recreational activities and creative pastimes. A budding romance might also pick up, and this can lead to exciting love adventures. Regarding an ambitious plan, cosmic forces suggest it is best not to be too quick off the mark, as an edgy Neptune angle could cause misunderstandings.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With Mars linking to relentless Pluto, you may not be in the mood to compromise, in which case, you could feel like issuing an ultimatum. This might not be necessary though, if you look to the bigger picture. Does it really matter if someone doesn't want to go along with a plan or idea? In the scheme of things, you can find that it works out fine if you just go with the flow, Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
What seems like an unwelcome disruption could have positive benefits after all. It may be a cancelled appointment or meeting, or perhaps something else equally important that is postponed. You'll have a chance to think about things in more depth, and this can be crucial, as with a dreamy aspect on the go you'd be wise to double check details, so all is perfectly clear.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may be keen to purchase something you have desired for some time, but only do it if you have looked into it. Something might seem great in a catalogue or online, but owning and using it could be another matter. Check reviews, as they can be very enlightening and also expose a fault or flaw that may make all the difference, and see you making a different choice, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
Someone's words could influence you more than they should, and this may be down to the focus on a sensitive zone. There is no need to take them to heart Archer, as this person might be feeling out of sorts, and you can take things too personally. It could be better to let it go as soon as possible, so that you make the most of the days ahead with fun and positive activities.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
The Moon in intensive Scorpio makes some pleasant aspects that can be excellent for liaising with others, whether for business or pleasure. Involving yourself with those who have influence or useful information, could assist you in spotting some unique opportunities, and you'll have a better chance of obtaining them. If an idea or scheme seems a tad dubious though,your horoscope suggests you avoid it.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you're considering forging an agreement or doing a deal, then it might be just as well to get a second opinion. A hazy angle over coming days hints you may find it more difficult to trust your instincts, if they suggest otherwise. At the same time, a positive Mars link can find you eager to connect with someone who is a live wire and whose friendship you would value.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
The Moon's harmonious aspects can find you ready to connect with someone who you might not have heard from in a while. The chance to catch up could bring back memories and encourage pleasant feelings to bubble up, perhaps acting as a catalyst for a meeting at some point in the future. There is an intensity in the air that may compel you to share a secret or two, Pisces.