Influences within a 3 degree Orb based on UCT.
Starting positions
Sun Aries
Moon Taurus
Mercury Retrograde Pisces
Venus Retrograde Pisces
Mars Cancer
Jupiter Gemini
Saturn Pisces
Uranus Taurus
Neptune Aries
Pluto Aquarius
Black Moon Lilith Scorpio
North Node Pisces
Key Aspects
- All month Neptune Sextile Pluto
- All month Saturn Sextile Uranus – Exact April 4th
- All month Black Moon Lililith Square Pluto – Exact April 30th
- Mercury Conjunct Venus 1st to 12th April
- Sun Sextile Jupiter 3rd to the 10th April – Exact 6th
- Mercury Direct 7th April
- Sun Conjunct Chiron 9th to the 16th – Exact 12th
- Full Moon Libra 13th T Square Mars Cancer
- Venus Direct 13th
- Mercury into Aries 16th
- Mars into Leo 18th
- Mars opposite Pluto 18th to 31st Exact 27th April
- Sun into Taurus 19th T Square Mars and Pluto to 25th April
- Taurus New Moon 27th T Square Mars and Pluto
- Venus into Aries 30th