If efforts to get ahead haven't produced results as quickly as we would expect, then Jupiter spinning forwards from today suggests this is all about to change.
The hard work we have put in over the past few months may begin to bear fruit and new opportunities could soon show up more frequently. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 9th May 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 9th May 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
Although things may not go at the speed of light, the present picture can still be very helpful for moving ahead with plans – even if at this slower pace. Although some adjustments might still be required, this can be a good time to successfully consolidate recent gains. With Jupiter also going direct, everyday patterns can just flow that bit easier now, Aries. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Venus, your ruler, makes a scintillating link to the planet of good fortune and generosity over the coming days, giving certain ties a warm and inviting quality. Indeed, this can be helpful for smoothing over any communication glitches that may have bothered you lately. In addition, with Mercury sparkling alongside the Sun, one idea could take a step forwards.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
The present focus on a more secluded sector of your chart may bring opportunities to find closure on an issue, especially if it has proved a drain on your vitality. Indeed, your horoscope suggests a heart-to-heart can be one way to ease some of the pressure. However, with Mercury spinning backwards and linking to Pluto a decision to share a secret can also prove a release.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
While catching up with friends can be one possibility of the present planetary backdrop, you might also find that a former plan begins to gain in significance in the weeks ahead. Synchronous events can seem to bring things together – and for this reason this scheme can move up your scale of priorities. Though you will still have time to adjust as you go.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
With Jupiter flipping forwards in your everyday financial sector, you could soon be more proactive around your expenditure. Yet this important alteration doesn't change the on-going square between Jupiter and Saturn. This is set to go until the middle of June, and will act as a brake if you find yourself minded to be a little less cautious with your resources.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
The tie between Venus and the dreamy energies of Neptune could make one encounter appear enchanting. However, a look at the overall picture suggests a more realistic approach might get things off to a better start. An initial attraction can help spark the conversation and if you really connect this could become something more substantive in your world.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
As Venus and Neptune blend it could see you more trusting of someone's promise, but it may be just as well to adopt a wait and see attitude, at least for now. They most likely won't let you down, but may be somewhat unrealistic with their availability. However, towards the end of the week there is a greater likelihood if it is meant to be, then it can be.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Mercury's connection with the Sun could throw light on an issue that needs urgent attention as crucial information regarding it may come to light in a key conversation. However, it's also possible that someone could push you to find a solution. Either way, the coming days can see this matter reaching a critical phase, but this is unlikely to be a one off moment.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
As the planet of optimism winds its way forward, it can encourage a more proactive stance regarding future plans. Nevertheless, Mars and Saturn continue to regress in your sign and may be the reason you have doubted some of your best ideas. Despite this, in coming weeks you may be tempted to push boundaries in order to move things forward again and expand.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Jupiter's face-off with Saturn suggests your beliefs may have been shaken, either in people or circumstances – or perhaps both. However, with Jupiter moving forwards from now, the weeks ahead may show improvement if you're willing to release those patterns of thinking that are no longer productive, and replace them with ones that truly fit your purpose.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
While the Moon's tie with the impetuous energies of Uranus can encourage a spontaneous approach to the day ahead, the bigger picture may be a call to look into a family or property situation, if you're keen to understand what's at stake. This certainly doesn't preclude enjoying time out though, as patience may be required if you're to find the answers you seek.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
As Mercury in its rewind phase aligns with the Sun you may find yourself doing a lot of thinking, especially if a decision is pending. However, you'll probably benefit from taking your time before finalising your choice. This could involve talking to key people, reviewing information and getting a feel for the best approach – and the one that's best suited to your needs.