The Moon's tie to powerful Pluto can see us pouring a lot of energy into a desire for something we want or need.
A pause for thought can be essential though if it amounts to a large investment of time or money. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 8th April 2019 please see below…
Horoscope Monday 8th April 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
It may be frustrating if it seems that you can't get ahead as quickly as you would like, but perhaps this is not the issue it seems to be. With the present blend of energies making some awkward aspects, the pace at which you can accomplish ongoing plans may slow down. But this gives you time to adjust and to rethink your ideas about a project or key relationship Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
If a situation seems to be posing difficulties, then the present backdrop suggests this may be because you and another can't agree on a way forward. Although you may be willing to try persuasion Taurus, this might not work as well as finding resolution regarding an old score. This could be holding everything up, and once you have closure, things can begin to progress nicely.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
If you feel pressured to decide something, you could choose the route that brings fast relief rather than the best choice for you. Look at the facts first, as this is the information you really need. Make time to understand things in more depth, then the best way ahead might reveal itself. And with sprightly Mars in your sign, you could come up with some very engaging solutions indeed.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
If your feelings about something are skewed, stepping back might help you see things in perspective. You may need some distance to spot any emerging flaws, and getting it might help you resolve this. If it applies to a deal or contract, then don't feel you have to commit to anything. In fact, it is likely better if you get a second opinion, as another option may suit you better.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Someone may seem to demand too much, and if so, this could be a turning point. You may find yourself setting boundaries that you wished you had put in place earlier. Try not to feel guilty Leo, as your warmth and open-heartedness are genuinely appreciated. There could be other times though, when you feel taken for granted, and your horoscope suggests these measures can save you any angst.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
It might seem that someone has left you to sort out an issue that has little to do with you. And though you can feel riled, as is natural, there could be some benefit to being the one in charge. This can be an opportunity to turn an awkward situation to your advantage, as you may be able to tailor matters so that they are better suited to you, as well as restoring things to order Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
Though you could feel niggled by a family member's words, it can help to deal with this as tactfully and diplomatically as possible. With the Sun angling towards sobering Saturn in your home zone, you could feel frustrated by their attitude over something which may not be that big an issue. Read between the lines, as what they may really be seeking is more attention from you.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
Someone could make you an excellent offer that you find hard to refuse. One thing though Scorpio, it might involve more than you think. While you may be prepared to take on responsibility, this could prove far more than expected and might even be a tad overwhelming. Ask some searching questions first and reflect carefully on whether this is what you really want.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
As philosophic Jupiter slows prior to turning retrograde in your sign this week, you may notice some disillusionment with the progress of an idea or even a relationship. It may not be anything much, but it might set you wondering whether your hopes are going to be realized. It may be that with a few changes it can all work out, but equally there may be something better for you.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Someone's presence could seem quite alluring over coming days Capricorn, and this may be down to a seductive tie involving luscious Venus and dreamy Neptune. While this could link to a potential romance, it doesn't have to. You might just as easily find a potential friend very special, in the sense that they are a joy to be with. Whoever it is, they could greatly influence your life.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
If you have worked hard to get your finances in order or to save some extra cash, then go easy over the next day or so. With indulgent Venus merging with nebulous Neptune, you may be tempted to splurge on something that seems to have a special allure. Hold back for a few days though, and it could lose its sparkle. Investing in some self-care can be beneficial Aquarius.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
A friend may seem to have serious views about issues that don't really bother you, and this could put you at odds with them if you are completely honest about your feelings. Voicing your beliefs could be empowering though, even if their opinion of you does change. And over the days ahead, you may decide it feels so much better to be true to yourself then avoid disagreement Pisces.