With both the Sun and Venus aligning with Jupiter this can be a time of opportunity, as long as we keep our expectations as realistic as possible.
While it's great to be optimistic, we could find ourselves unnecessarily disappointed unless we are able to keep an open mind. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 6th June 2016 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 6th June 2016
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The Cancer Moon can add a nostalgic theme to the day as it makes an affirming angle to Neptune, perhaps making the past appear alluring compared to current realities. However, the lovely connection between the Sun and Venus can also be helpful for those conversations you need to have more immediately, and that will benefit from a defter, rather than blunter touch. {copytag:[601]:copytag}
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
With the on-going and rather testing Saturn alignment, you may feel a reluctance to get involved in activities that are a drain on your resources. Yet, your horoscope reveals there may be a way around this that alters the picture completely. In fact, Jupiter's connection to Pluto hints that by confiding in or linking with the right person, new perspectives can be forged which prove truly enlightening.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
Today's stars could gift you with an imaginative idea that if you run with, may have income potential. However, there's also a chance you won't do anything about it. What will you do? With creativity so blessed in your situation just now if you enlist the help of family or friends, you could have the beginnings of a plan that morphs into a fantastically fruitful strand.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
With the Moon in your sign and Mars continuing its retrograde and now in Scorpio, certain doubts may play on your mind over coming days. With key planets clustered in a secluded sector this can emphasise a reluctance to put yourself forward at this time. However, if the seed of an idea appeals, consider quietly laying the groundwork behind the scenes now.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Much may be achieved today by adopting the attitude that it's better to have a go than to do nothing. While current retrogrades can certainly encourage you to review your plans, too much hesitancy may neither be helpful. In fact, a splendid alignment suggests that over coming days, friends or associates may motivate you to do the very thing you've been resisting.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
Although you may have some energy at your disposal, it could be siphoned off into various responsibilities and tasks that can be classed more as dutiful. However, one project or perhaps a relationship, may be calling out to you more than anything else. And by using the time available to you judiciously Virgo, any additional input associated with this could prove beneficial.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
The ongoing connection between the Sun and the silky energies of Venus, your ruler, in your sector of expansion, could get you excited about fresh possibilities. However, with this blend of energies challenging Jupiter in a more cloistered sector of your chart, you may wonder whether to take up the challenge – this is not the time to over analyse but to take action.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
A sizzling planetary aspect enhances your natural sultriness gifting you even greater allure. This may reignite the flame of passion in an-going romantic bond, or see someone new and rather magnetic drawn towards you. You are probably less likely to be attracted to cheesy chat up lines however, as something deeper and more sensual calls out to you, Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
If a compliment is paid to you, it could give you the confidence to push ahead with an ambitious plan. In fact, you may have been holding back from an idea that has great potential, and anything that boosts your belief in your abilities is doubly welcome. You can find yourself particularly attuned to the qualities of others, and the benefits of greater co-operation in all spheres.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
With Saturn's link to Neptune being particularly powerful, it's possible you may feel hampered by a situation that appears outside of your control. Indeed, with Saturn currently in a private sector of your chart, any feelings of powerlessness may be further amplified. The bigger picture also suggests that by enlisting some help you might achieve more than you can alone.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
The current backdrop encourages you to look out for your own interests, especially if they've been compromised lately. And although the Moon Neptune tie could induce feelings of guilt, these are largely unnecessary. A more proactive approach concerning your resources might prove beneficial over the long-term, while saving time and money into the bargain.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Links to Neptune, your ruler, could usher in feelings of nostalgia for someone from the past, which may motivate you to get in touch. While this might prove a positive experience that encourages you to renew the connection, there's also the chance that they have moved on and are not the same person you remember. Is it worth finding out? Do consider this.