Today’s Horoscopes Monday 4th January 2016

Mars is now fully in Scorpio but so is the Moon. This combination can amp up intensity for us all. With Mercury also still squaring Mars, we need to think carefully before we assert ourselves.

However, perhaps one good part of all this is that we can be more direct about the things that really matter. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th January 2016 please see below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

With 2016 underway you may be faced with a series of decisions now and over coming days. If you've been putting any key ones off, why not get the most pressing issue out of the way first? At least this will free the log jam. However, one event or plan featuring a friend or long distance aim may be subject to a last minute change.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Lunar links to the Sun and Pluto can put you in a no-nonsense frame of mind, inspiring you to make changes that you've thought of but not yet implemented. Furthermore, if you've been putting up with a situation that's been an ongoing test of your patience, you could find yourself determined to bring this saga to a final conclusion.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Talk about a catch-22 situation Gemini, and is there any wonder, with what you may feel you need to do to make progress regarding an impasse. However, there's a good chance events will change to help you. For now bide your time. With Mercury, your personal planet in focus, the turnaround you seek can happen as soon as the weekend. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Creative activities can be very therapeutic for you, particularly if you've had a lot to deal with recently. You might find that pouring your heart into art, crafts, music or sport will help to fend off any concerns or pressures. All this can also be good for your personal confidence, and help you to see how multifaceted you really are.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

For the next day or so, there's a possibility that you could view a situation through rose-tinted spectacles, and ones that might distort your reality. With Venus and Neptune in a tricky right angle, a big ticket item or a rather delectable person may indeed seem very alluring, but there could be a catch which is not clearly obvious.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Keen to get moving with a plan or up to speed with paperwork or documentation? Things may not flow quite as quickly as you hope Virgo. And around a key relationship, a conversation can take on a rather blurry edge. You or your partner can have a different reality just now, one which could leave both of you confused.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If a delightful encounter has enchanted you, it's probably because of the spell Venus and Neptune are jointly casting. Whilst this person may appear to be perfect, there's a good chance that they, like everybody else, has flaws. But then as the week goes on, your view of them or even your own needs could evolve quite a bit.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

As the Moon in your sign syncs with both the Sun and Pluto, it suggests you'll be very passionate and determined, particularly if you have a point to make. Whilst it is good to articulate clearly how we feel, this is a month when you need to be mindful that others' have the right to their own opinions too. Try not to be too intense.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Venus continues to get established in your sign, and one of the ways this can show itself is by an increase in your awareness of your image. However, with the swirling mist that is Neptune also angling her, you could actually imagine that you are less attractive than you really are or be hyper sensitive to others' comments to you.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

A thoughtful approach will be appreciated today. Conversations can more easily create misunderstandings, or you can perceive someone as being rather sly. Yet, paradoxically, you may not be wrong about the latter, and you might encounter a person who could disguise their true agenda under the cover of faint praise or a veneer of insincerity.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

If you encounter someone with a contrary attitude today, you might do worse than maintain a resolutely upbeat response. In fact, if you really get in the groove with this mindset, a potentially tricky couple of days can turn out positively. However, do try to remain flexible. A little graciousness on your part, can work wonders.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you're feeling hemmed in by certain friends or perhaps the groups you're involved with, be open to broadening your social horizons. Mars can turbo charge your desire for all this and even time spent away doing something outdoors and rather rugged – as much as more refined pursuits, can be the change of scene you need.