Horoscopes Monday 4th February 2019

Today's New Moon in Aquarius can inspire new ideas, habits or plans that could positively influence our social life and long-term goals.

Whatever we want to begin, this lunar phase gives added momentum helping us get off to a positive start. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 4th February 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 4th February 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Today's New Moon ushers in a time of exciting developments, that might begin at a social event or meeting of friends. This lively lunar phase can be a call to be socially adventurous, as doing so can result in some wonderful opportunities. At the same time, connecting with like-minded people who share your goals and ambitions Aries, could see you benefiting from wise advice. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

An unexpected opportunity can show up that you have long coveted Taurus. If so, you might jump at the chance to explore further. You may have to move out of your comfort zone, but the rewards could be worth any initial discomfort. On another note, consider trusting any intuitive feelings regarding a key ambition, as doing so could take you far and in a shorter space of time.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Let curiosity be your guide, as doing so, could coincide with news, an offer or an idea that may lead to exciting developments. An idea may be discussed over the days ahead that shows wonderful promise, and you may be thrilled by the possibilities that are revealed. Plus, as lively Mercury and the Sun link with upbeat Jupiter, it is time to cast your net even wider Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

With the Moon as your ruling planet, you may feel the influence of today's lunation to be quite potent. As it occurs in a sector of change, this New Moon could usher in new beginnings regarding a deep soul bond, or concerning issues that need gentle processing. Indeed, it may be a chance to step up a level and embrace fresh options Cancer, even if doing so takes some courage.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

If you are excited about a key relationship, this may be a sign that positive changes are in the air. Therefore, today's key influence in your sector of relating, can encourage you to hold that conversation or make an important decision. If you have been building up to this moment for some while, this can be a chance to implement plans and see what unfolds for both of you Leo.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The coming days can see a breakthrough regarding a lifestyle issue, which you may have been keen to implement. However, even if you only take the first step to getting things in order, today's lively New Moon could see things developing steadily from small beginnings. The cosmos suggests a pleasant surprise may be on the cards, if you stay open to new developments.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

This and the coming days, can be a time of new beginnings which could see a new bond gaining traction after a period of getting to know each other. With a potent influence in your fun and leisure sector, things can take a leap forward. However, this can also be a time when a creative skill of yours is recognised, or when someone may become interested in you romantically.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Events could spur you on to make changes at home that have been on your mind for some time. Indeed, the coming weeks can see you galvanized into action in this regard, and ready to de-clutter and make more space. But it can also be an opportunity to clear away emotional baggage that may be linked to childhood experiences, as by doing so, greater energy and freedom can be yours.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

New ideas can come from fascinating encounters, books, movies and surfing the Internet, but might also show up spontaneously when you least expect them to. Take notes though Archer, as a most brilliant plan could be lost if you see it and let it go. Your horoscope suggests there may be ideas you can expand upon too, with help from friends and by being willing to move out of your comfort zone.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

The coming days can inspire you to make changes with regards to your financial affairs. With an energizing lunar phase occurring in this zone, an event or some interesting information might act as a catalyst that encourages you to resolve issues or to act now to enhance your income. You could also get a small rise Capricorn, or find that you sell something for more than you intended.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Today's New Moon in your sign, could bring inspiration and a fresh start your way. If you have been thinking about heading in another direction or implementing a plan or project, this influence can see you going ahead. At the same time, you can expand your options even further if you are ready to try your hand at something new, and joining a club could be a way to do this.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

A compelling focus in a secluded sector may coincide with a decision to adopt a new spiritual practice such as meditation, yoga or something else. If you have wanted to experience more inner peace, this might prove helpful. Pay attention to your dreams over coming days too, as they could bring ideas and inspiration that may be useful for bringing a goal or ambition to life.