Today's Quarter Moon in Gemini can coincide with a time of decision especially if we have reached a milestone in a plan or project.
It's a time to ask a few crucial questions before we move ahead to the next phase. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 2nd March 2020 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 2nd March 2020
Aries 21 March – 20 April
The present line-up may encourage questions about the deeper meaning of your life, perhaps inspiring you to take stock and consider whether you're on the right track or not. If you've been feeling a sense of discontent around your circumstances, then a period of reflection may be very welcome. Today, an inspired idea could be a turning point and may set the ball rolling Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
Consider paying attention to those subtle intuitions, as they may gift you with insights into a personal issue you've been seeking to resolve for some time. Mind you, the coming days could help you understand the part you may have played in this, and what can be done to sort things out. Even so, if it's a social issue, perhaps the first step should be a heartfelt conversation.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
You may be animated by new ideas over coming days which if implemented, could help you make progress with a desirable goal. However, although you might feel an urge to experiment on your own, you could do better to liaise with others or ask for help. Someone may be ready to advise you of any pitfalls, enabling you to move ahead with fewer issues and complications.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
Your sense of purpose and feelings of wellbeing can be interlinked. If you are following your chosen path, the more likely it is that you'll feel good in yourself. Even so, the present setup may be a call to consider moving out of your comfort zone. Your horoscope suggests this might be nothing new Cancer, except that this time around you may be determined to embrace possibilities that align with your truth.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
You may have a lot to contend with Leo, including opportunities that require perseverance to make them happen. And you could be keen to make a start in order to make as much progress as possible. Have you considered asking others on board? Today's Quarter Moon hints that this could be a productive next step that might transform your plan or project in powerful ways.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
With a Sun Moon angle in a prominent sector, the coming days can be an opportunity to make any adjustments to a plan or personal goal that may have reached a crucial stage. If you need advice from an expert or the go ahead from someone in authority, then this can be the time to get it. Don't forget to include others in your decisions, as they too might play a crucial role Virgo.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
With the Moon making some potent angles today, a desire to experience a taste of the unknown can appeal and may be a way of escaping more mundane issues. It's best not to take a break too soon though, as there may be important matters to work through before you can relax. Get your priorities in order and do the most difficult task first, then everything else can seem like a breeze.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
You may need to resolve one or more issues that have come to a head recently. And with a crucial aspect showing up, you might also need to make some decisions. However, the key to improving matters can be to stay in communication and to negotiate with those involved. And if a compromise proves necessary don't hesitate, as it could be your best option for now Scorpio.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
It might seem that if you can sidestep a discussion and just do what you want, you could make instant progress. But your own sense of fairness and conscience might prevent you from doing so. Today's lunar phase could encourage you to do the opposite, and to seek out another's opinion so you can tailor your plans to fit in with theirs, even if it is inconvenient to you Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Recently set plans in motion? Then you could reach a key phase in the process today that might require a decision. If you want to cancel the whole idea, then this is the best time to do so. Happy with it all so far? Forge ahead and you'll find progress can be all the swifter for aligning yourself with the Moon tide. Concerning a family issue, it may be wiser to give someone some leeway.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
Whatever else is going on in your chart, there is still a very powerful focus on your spiritual and psychological sector. And with a Venus/Saturn connection showing, you could have doubts about a relationship or wonder about a conversation that might not have gone as well as you hoped. Let it go Aquarius, as with Mercury re-entering your sign a heart-to-heart can soon set things right.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
With the Moon now moving through your family zone, you may crave some peace and quiet, perhaps to offset a busy phase. Bearing this in mind, a Quarter Moon suggests that this might be the ideal time to indulge even if only for half an hour or so. A pampering session or a chance to enjoy a soothing massage can be so good for you, and you could be up and running in no time.