Patrick Arundell Astrology, 24 Years

Horoscopes Monday 29th May 2017

The coming days could prove frustrating as feisty Mars opposes the sobering qualities of Saturn, which can seem to put obstacles in our path.

However, this can also be an opportunity to step back and review our action plan as a few tweaks could mean that we can accomplish so much more. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 29th May 2017 please see below…

Horoscope Monday 29th May 2017

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The effort of attempting to meet a deadline or of getting someone to agree on a decision could ramp-up over coming days. And it may seem a matter of urgency that you sort things out as quickly as you can. It is also possible that you might feel like giving up when you're so close to getting there. If you can push on for just a little longer, you could make a breakthrough. {copytag:[601]:copytag}

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

While it's great to have your daily routines and rituals in place to keep you on track, you could find yourself bound by them at a time when you might like more freedom. As Mars in your spiritual sector opposes Saturn in your lifestyle zone, this frustrating blend of energies might push you to make a spontaneous decision, and especially if deciding on a lively new opportunity.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

With Mercury and Venus aligning with Pluto in a more sensitive sector of your chart, someone may feel moved to share a secret with you. If so Gemini, the reassurance that you will tell no-one else can inspire a deep trust. But be careful about sharing an issue of your own over coming days, as even with the best of intentions someone may accidentally let something slip.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If you're to avoid being overburdened with responsibilities, then it may be necessary to negotiate over coming days. Moreover, you might be tempted to take on more than you should if it would help someone out or boost their spirits. But when making any arrangements, it also helps to consider your own wellbeing, as with Saturn in your lifestyle sector, energy levels can fluctuate.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

It may be beneficial to focus on a key task over coming days. If this is something you have put off for a while, then the stellar backdrop suggests this may no longer be an option. However, once you make a start you'll gradually get into your stride. And while friends may have some distracting offers and invites to tempt you, seeing this through to the end can feel like a victory.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

A harmonious blend of energies between Mars in your goals sector and Uranus in your zone of shared resources can see you responding to an unexpected opportunity. Yet, it is likely as a result of your hard work and the forces you have set in motion that this unforeseen option has come your way. If it involves pooling your resources with another, it could work well for both of you.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Venus your lead planet links with both Mars and Saturn, you can find that taking your time over an important conversation gives a personal touch to any proceedings. While being methodical and efficient is good for progress, you may find that someone really appreciates your caring approach too Libra, and may be more flexible in their future dealings with you as a result.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

The give-and-take in certain relationships may be a factor, particularly if you have made it your responsibility to help someone out. However, if this has been going on for some time, you could begin to feel piqued if this person isn't responding in kind. Your horoscope suggests it could also put you in a difficult situation, as no-one likes to be taken advantage of. Consider if a quiet word might help, Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Should you feel frustrated at a lack of progress in a relationship, then it may be down to the expectations you had when you first met. Present influences, although uncomfortable, can be a call to take stock of where you are now. Furthermore, whatever the nature of this bond, allowing things to develop naturally between you may be better than forcing the pace, Archer.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Today's edgy blend of energies involving Saturn in a sensitive sector of your chart can encourage you to work smarter rather than harder. If you have taken on a project that you thought was easy, you may need to reconsider. In fact, some careful reflection about the best way to proceed could save you much time and may be an aid to getting it finished sooner.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Though you may have a natural urge to help others, it can be better to teach them to do something for themselves rather than relying on you. A testing blend of energies over coming days could mean that you are tempted to take on another's burden, when this may be the perfect opportunity for them to come through by themselves as you cheer them on from the side lines.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

You may find that the best way to get noticed over coming days is to invite others onto the stage with you. If family members or supportive friends have been there for you, or if they have pitched in freely when asked, then they surely deserve a mention. However, taking things a step further and showing your appreciation in more tangible ways may be truly appreciated.