Horoscopes Monday 29th June 2020

With talkative Mercury aligning harmoniously with electric Uranus this can be a day of insight and discovery.

Conversations can lead to fascinating revelations or bring us new knowledge that could inspire us to seek out fresh opportunities. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 29th June 2020 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 29th June 2020

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You may be drawn to purchase something that is unusual or unique in some way. While it can be a conversation starter, an aspect between Mercury retrograde and electric Uranus suggests that you could regret buying it before too long. True, it might be a gift with a difference, but will it be appreciated by the recipient? Think very carefully before you part with your money Aries.  

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

The only thing that might get in the way of you doing something that takes you out of your comfort zone, is self-doubt. You may be very keen to move ahead with an idea, and yet your feelings can kick in and leave you wondering whether you should go ahead or not. Take things step-by-step, and those uncomfortable thoughts could ease as you realize that you can do it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Friends can either inspire you or undermine your best intentions. So, over coming days, try to choose your company wisely. Still, you'll want to steer clear of someone who is perhaps jealous of your achievements. If you spend too long in their sphere of influence, you may find that you lose the will to move ahead with something that could be crucial to your progress, Gemini.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

If your determination is wavering, then you may look to friends or close ones for support. However, it might be better to consider why you are experiencing such indecision. The answer to this could let you know whether it is worthwhile to continue or whether you need to go back to the drawing board and adjust your original plan. Your horoscope suggests that with a few tweaks you can feel more inspired.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

While the choices you have in front of you may seem very real, your feelings about them can fluctuate and prove unreliable over coming days. If so, this could be an opportunity to backtrack and think things over. There are times when positive change seems so daunting, we might prefer to stay as we are. Under current influences, you may be pushed into making a move.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

It can be difficult to move ahead if you are laden with baggage from the past, yet this is the situation you might find yourself in. Feelings for something or someone built up over the years can be hard to relinquish, even though you sense that it may be time to do so. There is also a suggestion that a fresh perspective could be a great help, as it might boost your resolve Virgo.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

If you have the practical knowhow and someone else has the gift of imagination and creative thinking, then pairing up can be of benefit to both of you. A positive tie between Mercury and electric Uranus, suggests that collaborating now could get things off to a positive start and lead to a successful conclusion. On the home front, some big plans might be a major topic of conversation.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

If you've made a decision, then don't keep questioning it. However, the urge to do so can be very strong. This may be because you can't help wondering what others will think if you go ahead. If you let this get in the way, you might never get anywhere. If an idea fills you with a sense of empowerment, let this be enough to inspire you and encourage you to go ahead Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

In a couple of days, Saturn will move back into Capricorn until-mid December. Now though, it forges a positive angle with feisty Mars that can be excellent for a creative collaboration. A serious conversation could see you and another keen to make an idea a reality, and this sobering tie might be perfect for discussing the basics and getting a plan together that has real potential.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

This can be a chance to embrace your personal history, and all the events that have made you who you are today, while not letting it limit your potential. Reflection may even encourage a shift in perspective, which is good. If you have an idea or goal that you are happy to strive for, then go for it. If someone suggests it won't work, then be prepared to prove them wrong.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Should you hold back, or speak out? This may be the dilemma you find yourself in. A dynamic blend of energies in a subtle sector encourages you to be open, especially if it is about your past or about something that you view as an issue. Talking about it might feel uncomfortable, but it could pave the way for genuine and authentic communication, and for a lot of extra support Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

With fiery Mars making a positive tie to focused Saturn in a secluded sector, displaying traditional values and integrity can work to your benefit. Whatever situation you find yourself in Pisces, dealing with it in the highest and best way you know could allow you to be seen in a good light. Others might be drawn to deal with you because you are someone who can be trusted.

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