Horoscopes Monday 29th July 2019

With the Sun in Leo angling towards electric Uranus in Taurus, the day ahead could be a tad disruptive.

We might be keen to avoid more mundane tasks, preferring to seek out experiences that are thrilling and exciting. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 29th July 2019 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 29th July 2019

Aries 21 March – 20 April

Do you really want to hang out with a crowd who are different from you? Or do you want to do your own thing? An edgy angle between the Sun and Uranus, suggests that focusing on your hobbies and interests could bring greater satisfaction. Mind, when you've had your fill, inviting some open-minded friends over for a coffee and a chat could add a pleasant note to the day. 

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Your plans for coming days could clash with domestic duties, as there may be a few jobs for you to do. Family members might also be keen for you to give them a hand with something, and this could leave you feeling guilty if you have other things on the go. If you go the extra mile and find a way to compromise though Taurus, you'll be entitled to some help when you need it.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

Are you suppressing your feelings about a bigger issue? If so, something quite minor could trigger them, and you might respond more abruptly than intended. If you notice that you feel a tad on edge, then don't take it to heart. Frazzled nerves may require a chance to unwind and relax. So, if you can make space in your schedule to do so, it could enable you to breathe and feel calmer.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

As the Moon glides into your sign, see this as an opportunity to tune in and attend to anything that may be causing you to feel unbalanced. With electric Uranus figuring strongly in the equation, a friend may have to back out of a planned event or outing, leaving you high and dry. Whatever the scenario, have contingency plans and include a chance for some self-care.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

What you want and what others want, may be two very different things Leo. If you don't like what they are asking you to do, you might decide to stand your ground. Is this the best course of action though, especially if they are someone in authority? The willingness to meet them halfway will not go unnoticed, and you might find that any compromise is not so bad after all.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

You may seek peace of mind Virgo, but if there is something you are fretting over, then it might not be so easy to come by. With the Sun angling towards disruptor Uranus, you could find that getting to grips with it first is the best way to relax. Don't leave those agitated thoughts buzzing around your brain, if doing something about it now will help ease them and bring fast relief.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You may have made a promise to someone, but a wilful blend of energies could mean that you don't feel like committing to it. Would the person in question really be bothered? They could be, which might not help your relationship. Even though you may want your freedom to do as you please, your horoscope suggests it can pay dividends to handle this and go enjoy yourself once it is attended to.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

Your plans and goals may be particularly important to you now, but if a loved one feels left out, then they may decide to vie for your attention. This might prove disruptive if you are trying to concentrate and find them a bit of a trial. If you think about it, wouldn't it be easier to have a chat, make a date or tell them when you can spend quality time with them, for your sake?

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Honesty may be your best policy over coming days, especially if you feel an urge to ditch your schedule in pursuit of something more adventurous. While it may be easier to tell a small, white lie, you will be able to enjoy yourself so much more if you tell the truth. You could offer to make up for this later Archer, by which time you'll likely be happy to attend to your responsibilities.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Much as you might like to micro-manage your day and have things go exactly to plan, there is a chance that they may not. If you can let go, and go with the flow, things may be more relaxed and you might even find that you learn something from any distractions that occur. And if you can deal with them in the right spirit, they may be gateways to opportunities rather than a bind.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Loyalties may be divided, and you might wonder who you should listen to Aquarius. What your family want could be very different from what your friends want, and then there is the question of what you want for yourself. The Sun's angle with Uranus, could heighten divisions between groups which may cause tension. You might need to navigate with care here, but it can be done.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

It may be difficult to take on board any other perspective but your own Pisces. And yet if you can do so, it would make life so much easier and you would avoid getting involved in ego battles. Although you may not feel like it, being the one to reach out and offer a compromise could be a wise move. It means that you will be able to forge ahead with plans free of any bad feelings.