Horoscopes Monday 29th February 2016

Happy Leap Year to you. And today's sees Venus still stabilised by the energies of the dour Saturn. Not the lightest of influences it is true, but one which urges us to be sincere in our relationships. 

Venus's location also ties in with Uranus. All this suggests enterprise, but no little perspiration can take us far, especially with the Sun continuing to combine with the dreamy, and ethereal vibes of Neptune. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 29th February 2016 please see below…

Horoscopes Monday 29th February 2016

Aries 21 March – 20 April

You know you have what it takes to succeed, but may not feel like making a start on a key plan over the days ahead. Try not to fret over this though, as the time may not be right. However, your social life can be busy. And with Venus tying to both Saturn and Uranus, both formal and informal events look to be promising for you. Stay flexible to capitalise.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

Both Mercury the planet of talk and thought and the soothing energies of Venus are now in your sector of goals and ambitions. As a result, you may feel motivated to make more of your intellectual and creative skills. However, although liaising with others could help your cause, someone's offer of support over the days ahead may not be all that it seems.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

The willingness to give and take can make all the difference regarding a relationship that's going through a difficult patch. Even so, you may need to make a conscious effort to accommodate others' viewpoints and you might wonder whether it's really worth it. On the work front, a deceptive influence could see you perceive threats where none exist.

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Regarding your present situation and your financial plans, you may wonder whether to stick with the tried and trusted or to branch out into new areas. You'll certainly need to weigh both options carefully, Cancer. Furthermore, if you have responsibilities, then perhaps caution should be your watchword. Even so, there's no harm in experimenting.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

Have your feelings for a certain person wavered over recent days? If so, it may be because your emotions are getting the better of you. Try not to give too much credence to passing moods or suspicions as these will likely fade by midweek. Indeed, by the end of the week you could find that your faith in the outcome of the relationship could be restored.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

Have you forgotten something, Virgo? The present focus in your solar chart suggests it's possible. It may be a small matter that's easily overlooked, but to the person in question it might be a bigger deal. However, there's still time to rectify this with no harm done. If so, don't leave it too long, otherwise you might go further down in their estimation.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

As Venus, your ruling planet, aligns with Saturn in your communications sector, it could coincide with a decision to be a little more businesslike in your interactions with certain people. At the same time this doesn't indicate that you need to get too tough. A firm approach, tempered by your usual dash of charm can see you give just the right impression.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

While it's possible for certain issues to be resolved with very little input from you, a financial matter that has perplexed you for some time may be less likely to pick up without some involvement. If you want to be free of it once and for all then consider getting formal advice. Most important is to take responsibility for achieving the outcome you wish for.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

With Mars moving out of your psychological sector in a few days, one matter could re-surface, perhaps as a reminder that you haven't fully let go of it. Furthermore, if you have to talk to someone to get the perspective you need then do so. However, you may not be able to release this issue completely, but if it is thorny enough that may be unrealistic.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

Are you finding it difficult to be honest with a friend? If you are, you may be motivated to take action as the pressure builds to speak your mind. Furthermore, lunar influences suggest you could accidentally touch a raw nerve, so be conscious of how you approach this, especially if it's a more sensitive issue. Your thoughtfulness can count for a lot.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

A friend or colleague may use flattery to get you to do something for them. However sweet they seem on the surface, they may not be completely honest about their intentions. Indeed, the Venus Saturn tie-up can be a call to wise up and nip this in the bud, especially over the next few days – otherwise they could make it a habit to dominate you.

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

If you've signed up for some interesting courses or visited places that have captured your imagination, if you are so minded this is the perfect time to put what you've learned to good use. Soon Mars will enter your sector of goals and ambitions, bringing an opportunity to impress with any new found knowledge – no matter how big or small your plans.