The Moon in Pisces makes an easygoing tie to emancipated Uranus which might bring insights into emotional issues.
Any revelations we have could inspire a shift that leaves us feeling more liberated. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 29th April 2019 please see below…
Horoscopes Monday 29th April 2019
Aries 21 March – 20 April
You could feel a push to make something happen over coming days, only you might consider using smart conversation as well as action to get what you want. It could help to pace yourself though. With a New Moon later in the week plus other key influences, taking the middle path and balancing your approach can help you make wise decisions and be more productive Aries.
Taurus 21 April – 21 May
A lunar tie to innovative Uranus can get things off to a sparkling start this week, as ideas gleaned through conversation and socializing can set your creative pulse racing. What could hamper this are strong emotions regarding a relationship matter. Gently working through any persistent feelings and perhaps discussing them, might leave you with a feeling that a solution is now possible.
Gemini 22 May – 21 June
With the Moon in your sector of goals linking to edgy Uranus in a secluded sector, it can be hard to settle to the usual things that need doing, especially mundane responsibilities. But even stronger than this, are leading aspects involving thoughtful Mercury. The coming days may see you pulled in a direction that offers golden opportunities, if you can be open to receiving them.
Cancer 22 June – 23 July
It might seem that if you talk to the right people or make more of an effort, you can grasp an opportunity you have coveted. Is it worth it though Cancer? You might find that succeeding with your goal leaves you with more to do in addition to your usual schedule. And that over the coming days, you may wish you had more leisure time to yourself and a lot less on your plate.
Leo 24 July – 23 August
Try not to rush into making decisions that might give you more power or greater accountability in your everyday life. Sometimes such moves can come with a price that might not be worth paying. This could be the case as a tie involving restless Uranus could encourage you to act on impulse. Equally, you might flip to being overly cautious, so finding a balance is necessary.
Virgo 24 August – 23 September
You may notice that the more you desire something, the further it seems to move away from you, and it might be because you want it so much. If you have felt frustrated over recent days that something or someone seems to evade you, then try the opposite by letting it go and detaching from the outcome. Not only will it be less exhausting, but it might find its way to you anyway.
Libra 24 September – 23 October
If recent days have seen you focused on a situation that has had you confused, this phase can continue for a few more days. You may have reached a turning point during the past twenty-four hours or so, that has encouraged you to be more proactive. A heart-to-heart conversation could help you swiftly clear the air, and from there, dealing with this matter can be easier.
Scorpio 24 October – 22 November
It may be tempting to spend more time with those you chime with, but it could also be a way to escape from the demands of another whose outlook may be a tad trying. Over the days ahead, there may be some intense conversations, and not all of them will be easy. Still, if you are hoping to reach an agreement it is possible, even if you have to go over crucial points more than once.
Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December
While friends may approve of what you are doing and be keen to support you, you may find family members might not be as open initially. They may come around to your way of thinking in the end though. But you could help this process along by explaining what you hope to achieve, as this could be the secret that enables them to understand how they might benefit too Archer.
Capricorn 22 December – 20 January
Certain activities might engage your attention, so that you feel recharged the more you're involved with them. But when it comes to implementing a new habit or beginning a diet or exercise routine, you may find reasons to delay. This could be due to a lingering aspect that can cause energy to dip. By next week, you'll likely feel more vital, so it should be all systems go.
Aquarius 21 January – 19 February
With the Moon linking to lively Uranus, shopping may be fruitful as you could come across the perfect gadget or a piece of unusual art to beautify your home. If an issue continues to stir up emotions though, then a focus on your psychological sector suggests this may be the time to gently work with it. Over coming weeks, closure is possible if you give this your attention.
Pisces 20 February – 20 March
Friends may be surprised at your stubborn determination to get something done. They may notice that underneath your dreamy exterior, lies someone who knows what they want and are keen to get it. You may need the help of a friend or two, but they could find your enthusiasm catching, and even become inspired by it. If you want something badly enough, your horoscope suggests you will likely get it, no matter what.