Today’s Horoscopes Monday 28th September 2015

Jupiter tightens its excellent Trine to Pluto. Between now and the end of October, there's going to be wonderful opportunities to change our situations for the better.
Sometimes be Pluto, will enforce changes upon us that we are not ready for but Jupiter and Pluto working constructively together, can see changes occur, which can be for the good and be long lasting, due to the Earth location of both planets. The trick is to make sure that anything we do can be the for the good of everyone and not just ourselves individually. For your FREE Daily Horoscope Monday 28th September 2015 please read below…

Daily Horoscopes

Aries 21 March – 20 April

The week begins with a potent Lunar Eclipse in your sign. This is going to sharply bring into focus, how you feel about key relationships, and later today if you're unsure about one situation, you can start to feel quite unsettled. Balancing the need to "feel free" and yet able to be true to yourself but also be committed is key.

Taurus 21 April – 21 May

There's a highly charged atmosphere as this week begins. Mars and Saturn are in a sharp right angle. This can create a lot of frustration, and perhaps some of the issues that bubble to the surface or over the next six months, maybe those that have been suppressed for far too long. Be tender towards your psychological health.

Gemini 22 May – 21 June

If you find yourself becoming irritable and impatient with anyone you are closely involved with, try to throttle back a little bit and give yourself some thinking time. The truth is that some new and rather glamorous friendships may be moving your attention or appreciation of people away from those you have known far longer. {copytag:[611]:copytag}

Cancer 22 June – 23 July

Sudden demands in your worldly interactions, such as covering for a colleague at work, taking on more responsibilities or even the care for older or younger relatives, can create a more brittle atmosphere. With Mars and Saturn also clashing, stress can ramp up more easily. Look to clearly mark out, what you will or won't do.

Leo 24 July – 23 August

The Solar Eclipse in your sector of adventurism could see you, over the next six months determined to shake up the domestic routines and emotional life. But what you don't need to happen is for any changes to disturb the practical foundations of your situation too much. It's all about finding a balance, and this is down to you.

Virgo 24 August – 23 September

The Solar Eclipse in your sign last mid-month, is augmented by its Lunar polar pair in Aries, today. With Mars and Saturn also in conflict, and extra restless vibes to come later on, you'll need to temper your desire to achieve immediate results with the patience and persistence that given time, will give you a solid return.

Libra 24 September – 23 October

You have a reputation for diplomacy, and a judicious approach to people. However, you may surprise yourself now by how forcefully you assert some home truths to anyone you feel has disappointed you. Then again, the same can be true in converse, with someone startling you by airing some feisty grievances they have.

Scorpio 24 October – 22 November

With Saturn becoming re-established in your sector of everyday values, just how yours mesh in with friends or associates and even a partner, can become much more of a talking point over the next six months. Then again you can find yourself with opportunities financially, which may run against your grain in some way.

Sagittarius 23 November – 21 December

Powerful celestial energies have primed your confidence and ambition in the last month. But today's Lunar Eclipse suggests that for you to reach your goals and full potential, you may not be able to do it totally on your own terms. Some kind of trade-off between what you want and what others expect of you, will be needed.

Capricorn 22 December – 20 January

You can find yourself thinking a lot about the base of your life today, and perhaps will do so for some time to come. If there's something that's ripe for change, even if part of your natural instinct is to maintain the status quo, it may prove harder not to do something which rejuvenates or refreshes your overall existence.

Aquarius 21 January – 19 February

Your mind can buzz with possibilities today and particularly later on when the Moon merges with your modern ruler Uranus. Mind, your traditional ruler Saturn clashes with Mars and politics may bubble away or vie for your attention. Some charged conversations around a group dynamic are possible. Will you speak up or remain silent?

Pisces 20 February – 20 March

Saturn is going to set up some proper opportunities for you over the next couple of years, but for you to grasp these, you are going to need to be on good terms with key people, the influencers in situations. These may not be your friends, but you do need them. However the demands that are put upon you can be hard to take.